htmlpreview /

HTML Preview for GitHub Repositories


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Repo is abandonned -> New Fork!

hoijui opened this issue · comments

I made a fork of this repo that I propose to use as the new main repo, to keep this little piece of software alive.
I am happy to add some (even many) of you as maintainers, especially those that made pull-requests (PRs) over the years.
I will also start trying to merge these PRs.
(htmlpreview -> html-preview)

I am currently extending it to support further git forges (e.g. GitLab).

Write here if you want to be a maintainer; that of course does not mean you have to do anything in turn,
but it lowers the chance that the new fork will become abandoned/inaccessible as well.

Many new forges are supported, bugs have been fixed, and it seems to work.

Awesome! Thanks for undertaking this!