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Possible problem with Escaping with pdf-engine-opt

herculosh opened this issue · comments

Hello @htdebeer

I was able to create the PDF with Pandoc without any problems. Now I have tried to rebuild the call in Pandocomatic. When I set a directory via pdf-engine-opt, it seems that there are problems with escaping. When creating with Pandocomatic, I always get the error:
Error producing PDF.

My code in Yaml file

        - "--shell-escape"
        - "--outdir=temp"
        - "--aux-directory=temp"
        - "-lualatex"

Debug Output in Console:

	--pdf-engine-opt=--shell-escape \
	--pdf-engine-opt=--outdir\=temp \
	--pdf-engine-opt=--aux-directory\=temp \
	--pdf-engine-opt=-lualatex \

Is it possible that the = sign should not be escaped here?

Thanks a lot for your Help.

Yes, escaping the "=" character seems odd. I will look into this over the weekend.

I have trouble reproducing the issue. Can you create a file with the following contents and run pandocomatic -i

title: Test PDF engine options with = sign
    from: markdown
    to: pdf
    pdf-engine: pdflatex
    - "-shell-escape"
    - "-output-directory=temp"

This is a test of PDF engine options with a "=" sign and other escaping

This works on my machine as expected. If it does not work for you, please tell what version of pandocomatic and pandoc you are using. If it does work, but your original issue still persists, try to create a minimal example where the issue does occur so I might be able to reproduce it.

I could not reproduce the problem with your example, because I use a YAML file for the generation. Now I have rebuilt the example in paru, I don't know if this example would be better stored in the repository.
Well I will send you a link with the files for traceability anyway.

I have tried different options and possibilities:

$ pandocomatic -i -c pandocomatic_variable_removed.yaml --debug                                                               
pandoc	--from=markdown \
	--to=latex \
	--variable=classoption\=t \
	--pdf-engine=pdflatex \
	--pdf-engine-opt=--shell-escape \
	--pdf-engine-opt=--output-directory\=temp \
Pandocomatic needed 1.6 seconds to convert '/Users/my/Documents/gitrepos/paru/test/pandoc_input/' to 'test_pdf_engine_opts_yaml.pdf'.

$ cat pandocomatic_variable_removed.yaml                                                                                                                                
  follow-links: false
  recursive: true
  match-files: 'all'
  skip: ['*.jpg','*.pygtex','*.png','**/temp/**', '*.pdf', '*.pptx']
    glob: ['']
      from: markdown
      to: pdf
        - "classoption=t" # Make all Text on top.
      pdf-engine: lualatex
        - "--shell-escape"
        - "--output-directory=temp"
#        - "--aux-directory=temp"%

$ pandocomatic -i -c pandocomatic_variable_removed.yaml --debug                                                                           
pandoc	--from=markdown \
	--to=latex \
	--variable=classoption\=t \
	--pdf-engine=lualatex \
	--pdf-engine-opt=--shell-escape \
	--pdf-engine-opt=--output-directory\=temp \
Pandocomatic needed 4.9 seconds to convert '/Users/my/Documents/gitrepos/paru/test/pandoc_input/' to 'test_pdf_engine_opts_yaml.pdf'.

$ cat pandocomatic_variable_removed.yaml                                                                                                                                 -- INSERT --
  follow-links: false
  recursive: true
  match-files: 'all'
  skip: ['*.jpg','*.pygtex','*.png','**/temp/**', '*.pdf', '*.pptx']
    glob: ['']
      from: markdown
      to: pdf
        - "classoption=t" # Make all Text on top.
      pdf-engine: latexmk
        - "--shell-escape"
        - "--outdir=temp"
        - "--aux-directory=temp"
        - "-lualatex"%

$ pandocomatic -i -c pandocomatic_variable_removed.yaml --debug                                                                           
pandoc	--from=markdown \
	--to=latex \
	--variable=classoption\=t \
	--pdf-engine=latexmk \
	--pdf-engine-opt=--shell-escape \
	--pdf-engine-opt=--outdir\=temp \
	--pdf-engine-opt=--aux-directory\=temp \
	--pdf-engine-opt=-lualatex \
Latexmk: Run number 1 of rule 'lualatex'
Latexmk: Run number 2 of rule 'lualatex'
Error producing PDF.

Error running pandoc => error while running:

pandoc	--from=markdown \
	--to=latex \
	--variable=classoption\=t \
	--pdf-engine=latexmk \
	--pdf-engine-opt=--shell-escape \
	--pdf-engine-opt=--outdir\=temp \
	--pdf-engine-opt=--aux-directory\=temp \
	--pdf-engine-opt=-lualatex \

Pandoc responded with:

Latexmk: Run number 1 of rule 'lualatex'
Latexmk: Run number 2 of rule 'lualatex'
Error producing PDF.

It turned out that the problem was latexmk that I had been using. I switched to latexmk because of minted, pandoc doesn't allow output directories, but this is a totally different problem.
I am not sure I can compile my documents with lualatex directly. This test is still pending. You can close the case from my side.

Thanks for your help.

You will find my File at: herculosh/paru@a488473

I am not sure I can compile my documents with lualatex directly.

Using the pandoc option --pdf-engine=lualatex is not working?