hsutter / cppfront

A personal experimental C++ Syntax 2 -> Syntax 1 compiler

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[BUG] error: local variable 'start' is not used; error: local variable 'counter' is not used; but in fact they are

wolfseifert opened this issue · comments

After pulling in 510eae8:

Transpiling the program below I get:

csample.cpp2(49,5): error: local variable 'start' is not used; consider changing its name to '_' to make it explicitly anonymous, or removing it entirely if its side effects are not needed
csample.cpp2(48,5): error: local variable 'counter' is not used; consider changing its name to '_' to make it explicitly anonymous, or removing it entirely if its side effects are not needed

The program uses some other libraries, so you cannot reproduce it, but the bug is obvious: start and counter are used. This program worked before the 510eae8 update.

main: () = {
  using namespace ::ext;
  using namespace ::qtgl;
  using namespace ::std;
  using namespace ::std::chrono;

  device := random_device();
  engine := mt19937(device());
  dist := uniform_real_distribution(0.0, 1.0);
  gen := :() (dist&$*)(engine&$*);

  numSpheres : = 25;
  spheres := vector<tuple<Coord, double, Color, Coord>>();
  resetSpheres := :() = {
    if numSpheres&$* != spheres&$*.ssize() {
      i := 0;
      while i < (numSpheres&$*) next i++ {
        center := Coord(gen$(), gen$(), gen$());
        radius := gen$() / 10.0;
        color := Color();
        color.setRgbF(gen$(), gen$(), gen$());
        dir := Coord(gen$() - 0.5, gen$() - 0.5, gen$() - 0.5);
        _ = spheres&$*.emplace_back(center, radius, color, dir);

  velocity := 0.01;

  run(: (inout win: MainWindow) = {
    win.setWindowTitle("Concurrent Sample");
    csample := win.menuBar()*.addMenu("CSample");
    numSpheresPtr := numSpheres&$;
    resetSpheres2 := resetSpheres$;
    ns := :vector<int> = (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000);
    for ns do (n) {
      action := csample*.addAction(QString::number(n));
      MainWindow::connect(action, QAction::triggered&, :() = {
        numSpheresPtr$* = n$;
  : (inout win: CMainWindow) = {
48: counter := 0;
49: start := system_clock::now();
    while true {
      coordRadiusColors := vector<CoordDoubleColor>();
      s := 0;
      while s < (numSpheres&$*) next s++ {
        sphere := spheres&$*[s];
        center := get<0>(sphere);
        radius := get<1>(sphere);
        color := get<2>(sphere);
        dir := get<3>(sphere);
        for Coord::indices() do (ind) {
          center[ind] += velocity$ * dir[ind];
          if center[ind] < 0.0 || center[ind] > 1.0 {
            dir[ind] *= -1.0;
        spheres&$*[s] = (center, radius, color, dir);
        _ = coordRadiusColors.emplace_back(center, radius, color);
      sync(win&, :() = {
      win.showStatus("(numSpheres&$*)$ spheres");
      counter += numSpheres&$*;
      if counter > 10000 {
        now := system_clock::now();
        println("Spheres per second: (counter * 1000 / duration_cast<milliseconds>(now - start).count())$");
        counter = 0;
        start = now;