hsutter / cppfront

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[BUG] Bad operator= error message for @value types

dutkalex opened this issue · comments

Hi folks!
I ran into a very confusing bug while experimenting with cppfront. Consider the following type:

dummy: @value type = {
    name_: std::string;
    operator=: (out this, in name: std::string) = { name_ = name; }

Cppfront refuses to compile this code snippet and produces the following error message:

reproducer.cpp2: error: in operator=, expected 'name_ = ...' initialization statement (because type scope 
object 'name_' does not have a default initializer)
reproducer.cpp2(2,5): error: see declaration for 'name_' here
reproducer.cpp2: error: an operator= body must start with a series of 'member = value;' initialization statements 
for each of the type-scope objects in the same order they are declared, or the member must have a default 
initializer (in type 'dummy')

However, there is nothing wrong with the operator= here. The problem is actually that a value type must be default constructible, which is not the case in this example. This error message got me very confused at first, and I had to look into the sources to understand what was going on. Maybe the missing piece to get a better diagnostic is to require all data members of @value types to be declared with a default initializer. What do you think of this?
I'd be happy to submit a PR to fix this in the definition of the @value metaclass, but I'd rather make sure that my analysis is correct first.

Best regards,

I'm definitely in favour of clear, friendly error messages. But instead of requiring all data members to have default initializers, I'd prefer the error to be something like: A value type must be default constructible. Then the user can choose to either add a default constructor or to add data member initializers.