hsqmlzno1 / HATN

Hierarchical Attention Transfer Network for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification (AAAI'18)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

pickle usage error

yuanyuansiyuan opened this issue · comments

when i run the code using pickle to load data. There is the ImportError: No module named multiarray. How can i solve this? Thank you!

Can you have a try "from numpy.core import multiarray" ?

i have add it,but there is no difference.

What's your python version

anaconda python 2.7.5

numpy 1.12.1 nltk 3.3

Could you try "enter one pickle data file by vim and :set ff=unix"

the format of the input tokens_train.positive data is already "unix"

it works for me to transfer "dos" format to "unix" format, Thank you!
In addition, i just download the 'GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin' from other web site, is the resource ok? or can you share a download link with me? Thank you for your kindness!

I think the resource is ok.