hskarlupka / file_catalog

Store file metadata information in a file catalog

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Store file metadata information in a file catalog


To get the prerequisites necessary for the file catalog:

sudo pip install futures pymongo

Running the server

To start an instance of the server running:

python -m file_catalog --config server.cfg

Running the unit tests

To run the unit tests for the service:

python -m unittest discover


By default, the service listens on port 8888. This is specified in server.py in the constructor for the Server class.


The primary interface is an HTTP server. TLS and other security hardening mechanisms are handled by a reverse proxy server as for normal web applications.


Requests to the main url / are browsable like a standard website. They will use javascript to activate the REST API as necessary.


Requests with urls of the form /api/RESOURCE can access the REST API. Responses are in HAL JSON format.


Unique identifiers:

  • mongo_id

    The id that the mongodb generates.

  • uid

    The uid is an unique identifier that can be chosen freely.

Mandatory fields:

  • uid

  • checksum

    Must be calculated with SHA512.

  • locations

    Is a list with at least one non-empty URL to a file location. Can contain more than one location.


Resource representing the collection of all files in the catalog.


  • GET: Obtain list of files

    Query Parameters

    • limit: (positive integer) number of results to provide
    • start: (non-negative integer) result at which to start at
    • query: (mongodb query) query specification

    The server SHOULD honor the start parameter. The server MAY honor the limit parameter. In cases where the server does not honor the limit parameter, it should do so by providing fewer resources (limit should be considered the client’s upper limit for the number of resources in the response).

    Result Codes

    • 200: Response contains collection of file resources
    • 400: Bad request (query parameters invalid)
    • 429: Too many requests (if server is being hammered)
    • 500: Unspecified server error
    • 503: Service unavailable (maintenance, etc.)
  • POST: Create a new file or add a replica

    If a file exists and the checksum is the same, a replica is added. If the checksum is different a conflict error is returned.

    Result Codes

    • 200: Replica has been added. Response contains link to file resource
    • 201: Response contains link to newly created file resource
    • 400: Bad request (metadata failed validation)
    • 409: Conflict (if the file already exists); includes link to existing file
    • 429: Too many requests (if server is being hammered)
    • 500: Unspecified server error
    • 503: Service unavailable (maintenance, etc.)
  • DELETE: Not supported

  • PUT: Not supported

  • PATCH: Not supported


Resource representing the metadata for a file in the file catalog.


  • GET: Obtain file metadata information

    Result Codes

    • 200: Response contains metadata of file resource
    • 404: Not Found (file resource does not exist)
    • 429: Too many requests (if server is being hammered)
    • 500: Unspecified server error
    • 503: Service unavailable (maintenance, etc.)
  • POST: Not supported

  • DELETE: Delete the metadata for the file

    Result Codes

    • 204: No Content (file resource is successfully deleted)
    • 404: Not Found (file resource does not exist)
    • 429: Too many requests (if server is being hammered)
    • 500: Unspecified server error
    • 503: Service unavailable (maintenance, etc.)
  • PUT: Fully update/replace file metadata information

    Result Codes

    • 200: Response indicates metadata of file resource has been updated/replaced
    • 404: Not Found (file resource does not exist) + link to “files” resource for POST
    • 409: Conflict (if updating an outdated resource - use ETAG hash to compare)
    • 429: Too many requests (if server is being hammered)
    • 500: Unspecified server error
    • 503: Service unavailable (maintenance, etc.)
  • PATCH: Partially update/replace file metadata information

    The JSON provided as body to PATCH need not contain all the keys, only the keys that need to be updated. If a key is provided with a value null, then that key can be removed from the metadata.

    Result Codes

    • 200: Response indicates metadata of file resource has been updated/replaced
    • 404: Not Found (file resource does not exist) + link to “files” resource for POST
    • 409: Conflict (if updating an outdated resource - use ETAG hash to compare)
    • 429: Too many requests (if server is being hammered)
    • 500: Unspecified server error
    • 503: Service unavailable (maintenance, etc.)


Store file metadata information in a file catalog

License:MIT License


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