hse-aml / natural-language-processing

Resources for "Natural Language Processing" Coursera course.

Home Page:https://www.coursera.org/learn/language-processing

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NotImplementedError: Open utils.py and fill with your code. In case of Google Colab, download(https://github.com/hse-aml/natural-language-processing/blob/master/project/utils.py), edit locally and upload using '> arrow on the left edge' -> Files -> UPLOAD

ayushmandloi2 opened this issue Β· comments

i have edited and uploaded the utils.py file.

Try running ! shred utils.py and re-upload your file! It looks like a caching bug in Google Colab.

And you also need to restart the kernel to import the new version of the file!

issue not solved yet i tried what you told.

this is my utils.py file i have implemented what is said

Then it's a Google Colab issue, try to run locally


Please I don't understand this error can help me !!

still the problem not solved i tried running it locally and getting same error what i got in google colab. What exactly we have to do with word_embeddings.tsv file because i don't have this file. Should we download it from some where or code will automatically download it.

please explain me what we have to do in Part-2 Ranking question with embeddings?

having the same error on both colab and on the local docker container

Same error.
Do we have any solution for this?

Was stuck here for a while. Eventually i just copied the load_embeddings code into the cell.

Anyone could solve that problem? I am stuck there right now

I directly copy the function of load_embeddings and question_to_vec to the .ipynb to work around this issue.
I believe it is an Google Colab bug.

I directly copy the function of load_embeddings and question_to_vec to the .ipynb to work around this issue.
I believe it is an Google Colab bug.

can you please drop the code snippet for load_embeddings and question_to_vec

I'm also facing the same problem,stuck in it for a while!

Facing the Same Issue. Anyone got any solution to it

NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1 embeddings, embeddings_dim = load_embeddings('data/word_embeddings.tsv')

/content/utils.py in load_embeddings(embeddings_path)
53 embeddings[word]=embedding
54 dim=len(line)-1
---> 55 return embeddings,dim
57 def question_to_vec(question, embeddings, dim):

NotImplementedError: Open utils.py and fill with your code. In case of Google Colab, download(https://github.com/hse-aml/natural-language-processing/blob/master/project/utils.py), edit locally and upload using '> arrow on the left edge' -> Files -> UPLOAD

can someone solve this

ERROR:root:Internal Python error in the inspect module.
Below is the traceback from this internal error.

File "", line unknown
SyntaxError: invalid or missing encoding declaration for '/content/utils.py'

whats wrong with mine I followed all the steps but getting the above errors 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

1.> First try to restart the kernel. If it does not work then try the second way.
2.>when you update the script file and upload it in your project directory. Give the file another name like utils-2.py. delete the previous util.py file and rename the uploaded utils-2.py file as the same name utils.py.


There are two ways:

  1. Short workaround: just directly copy functions load_embeddings and question_to_vec to .ipynb.
  2. Do the following steps:
  • remove utils.py with !rm utils.py
  • upload your file: click at [>] to open the left pane, choose file tab, click [upload] and choose your [utils.py]
  • restart runtime: Runtime --> Restart runtime
  • import: from utils import *

Here is a way to not have to restart runtime:
replace the cell
from utils import text_prepare

from importlib import reload  
from utils import text_prepare

and rerun it. That's all !