hse-aml / natural-language-processing

Resources for "Natural Language Processing" Coursera course.

Home Page:https://www.coursera.org/learn/language-processing

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Final submission error

ayushmandloi2 opened this issue · comments

I am using google colab for week 3 assignment and at the last when i am finally submitting it, the compiler is not recognizing my E-mail id. Please tell me the solution.
----> 1 STUDENT_EMAIL = mandloi19faraday96@gmail.com# EMAIL
3 grader.status()

NameError: name 'mandloi19faraday96' is not defined

This is the error i am getting how should i submit my assignment please help.

It should be a string like this: STUDENT_EMAIL = "mandloi19faraday96@gmail.com"

And I recommend you to change the token, it is now exposed.

Yes, i wrote it wrong, it should be a string. Thank you ZEMUSHKA.