hrsh7th / nvim-compe

Auto completion Lua plugin for nvim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bindings Using compe#scroll Do Not Work

FOSSilizedDaemon opened this issue · comments


Put result of :checkhealth compe.

I am working in a VM and can't post this, but everything shows OK.

Describe the bug

I am having an issue where any binding that uses compe#scroll({ 'delta': +4 }) or any variant of that does not work. No error is provided, the binding simply does not have the expected behavoir.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior with the minimal config:

A minimal configuration needed to reproduce this would be:

  1. git submodule add (in the proper directory)
  2. This configuration as init.lua.

Actual behavior

When pressing control +j/k I c-j will cause compe to enter the current completion option, c-k causes compe to enter <BS>.

Expected behavior

When pressing control +j/k I expect compe to scroll through the completion suggestions accordingly.

Screenshots (optional)

Additional context (optional)

I have tested this on the following terminals (you never know):

  • st
  • kitty
  • xfce4-terminal
  • gnome-terminal
  • alacrity

My full configuration can be seen here for context (note: I use git submodule to manage plugins NOT packer).

Your configuration seems to look doesn't wrong to me.

Could you provide :imap <C-k> results?

Your configuration seems to look doesn't wrong to me.

Could you provide :imap <C-k> results?


i <C-K>        * compe#scroll({ 'delta': +4 })

Hm... It's very weird... I can't understand the cause.


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