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Navigation to "My Account" page doesn't respect reverse proxy subfolder

cmbarba opened this issue · comments

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Describe the bug

Navigating to the "My Account" page while a reverse proxy subfolder is set brings me to a blank page. Manually adding the subfolder to the url takes me the correct login page and, past that, the account page.

To Reproduce

Have a reverse proxy redirecting urls and navigate to "My Account" page with reverse proxy subfolder set.


Nothing new appears in the logs when navigating to the blank page.


jfa-go Version 0.5.0

I can confirm this is happening to me as well. Currently working around it witb ngx_http_sub_module. See docs here:

You can put this snippet in your nginx config file and it should do the job:

# Substitude any invalid/missing basename for the real one
sub_filter "/my/account" "/accounts/my/account";

I can confirm this is happening to me as well. Currently working around it witb ngx_http_sub_module. See docs here:

You can put this snippet in your nginx config file and it should do the job:

# Substitude any invalid/missing basename for the real one
sub_filter "/my/account" "/accounts/my/account";

Thanks for this. I was unable to use it because I run Traefik, but it gave me enough of a hint to figure out my own configuration for the workaround:

Static configuration (traefik.yml):

      moduleName: ""
      version: "v0.1.4" 

Dynamic configuration (docker compose labels):

  - "traefik.enable=true"
  - "traefik.http.routers.jfa-go.rule=Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/accounts`)"
  - "traefik.http.middlewares.jfa-go-subfilter.plugin.subfilter.replacements.pattern=/my/account"
  - "traefik.http.middlewares.jfa-go-subfilter.plugin.subfilter.replacements.replacement=/accounts/my/account"
  - "traefik.http.routers.jfa-go.middlewares=jfa-go-subfilter@docker"

Same prob here


I get a "Page Not Found" when navigating to "My Account" using the button on the top right. Is this the same issue?

I tried to add that snipped in my nginx config but it didn't help, it just goes to domain/accounts/my/account and still shows me the 'Page Not Found' page.

I get a "Page Not Found" when navigating to "My Account" using the button on the top right. Is this the same issue?

I tried to add that snipped in my nginx config but it didn't help, it just goes to domain/accounts/my/account and still shows me the 'Page Not Found' page.

Have you set "accounts" as your reverse proxy subfolder under General settings?


Never mind, all my fault, I didn't read the documentation properly to see that the My Account button only works with Jellyfin authentication. I switched to that and now it works fine. Sorry!!