hpenedones / breadth-first-cs

A (table of contents of a) book covering Computer Science topics in a breadth first way

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A Table of Contents of a book that I dream of writing, covering Computer Science topics in a breadth first way, with a bias towards Machine Learning.

Machine Learning

  • Supervised Learning

    • Classification
      • Linear Classifier
      • Decision Trees
        • Information Gain
      • Logistic Regression
      • Neural Networks
      • Support Vector Machines
      • Random Forests
    • Regression
      • Linear Regression and Least Squares
    • Ranking
  • Ensemble Methods

    • Boosting
    • Bagging
  • Unsupervised Learning

    • Clustering
      • K-means
      • EM for Gaussian Mixture Models
    • Manifold Learning and Dimensionality Reduction
      • PCA, Kernel PCA, ICA
      • Isomap an Local-Linear Embedding
      • Auto-encoders
  • Deep Learning

    • Convolutional Neural Networks
    • Boltzmann Machines
    • AutoEncoders
  • Reinforcement Learning

    • Bellman Equation
    • Multi-arm bandits
    • Exploration vs Exploitation
  • Loss functions

    • Hinge Loss
    • MSE
    • Exponential Loss
  • Regularisation

    • Lasso
    • Priors
    • Sparsity
  • Overfitting

  • Cross validation

  • Model capacity

    • VC dimensionality
  • Other topics

    • Hidden Markov Models
    • Conditional Random Fields
    • Monte Carlo
    • Gaussian Processes
  • Optimisation

    • Gradient descent
    • Newton method
    • Stochastic Gradient Descent
    • Conjugate Gradient Descent
    • RMSProp
    • Convex optimisation for SVMs
  • Robotics

    • Inverse Kinematics
  • Statistics

    • Random Variables
    • Gaussian and Gaussian Mixture Models
    • Statistical Significance Tests
    • Maximum Likelihood
    • Sampling algorithms
    • Bayes Theorem
  • Calculus

    • Differentiation
      • Chain rule
      • Product rule
      • Inverse
      • Power Rule
      • Reciprocal Rule (derived from the chain rule and the power rule)
      • Quotient Rule (derived from reciprocal rule and the product rule)
      • Derivative of Logarithm
    • Integrals
      • Integration by Parts
      • Integration by Substitution
    • Gradient
    • Jacobian matrix
    • Hessian matrix
  • Combinatorics and Probabilities

    • Combinations, Permutations
    • Binomial theorem
  • Linear Algebra

    • Matrix Multiplication
    • Matrix Inversion
    • Determinant
    • Solving linear system of equations
    • Eigen vectors and Eigen Values
    • Singular Value Decomposition
    • Covariance matrix
    • Positive-definite matrix
    • Conjugate transpose matrix
    • Hermitian matrix
  • Information Theory

    • Entropy
    • Mutual Information
    • Conditional Entropy
    • Kullback Leibler Divergence
    • Kolmogorov Complexity
  • Algorithms

    • Sorting
    • Graph shortest paths
    • BFS, DFS, A* search
    • Dynamic Programming
    • Shuffling
    • Local Sensitive Hashing
  • Data Structures

    • Hash tables
    • Binary search trees
    • Balanced trees
    • Tries
    • Graphs
  • Programming

    • Polymorphism
    • Virtual method
    • Inheritance
    • Encapsulation
    • Functional vs Imperative
    • Compiled vs Interpreted
    • Strongly typed vs Weekly typed
  • Architecture

    • Scalability
    • Fault Tolerance
    • Modularity
    • Availability
  • Distributed Systems and Parallelism

    • Map Reduce
    • GPUs
    • Threads, semaphores, deadlocks


A (table of contents of a) book covering Computer Science topics in a breadth first way