hpcaitech / EnergonAI

Large-scale model inference.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

_pickle.UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '{'.

RundongCao opened this issue · comments

When I run opt_fastapi.py, I got this error, how to solve it


I also encountered the same problem~

I am using the latest version of Energon AI, and a similar problem occurs when I use the --checkpoint option



I also encountered the same problem~

I am using the latest version of Energon AI, and a similar problem occurs when I use the --checkpoint option


This issue has been resolved.
It is caused by incomplete download of the model file.
It is recommended that after the file is downloaded, verify the SHA256 code.


When I run opt_fastapi.py, I got this error, how to solve it

Check whether the model file is complete