hpcaitech / CachedEmbedding

A memory efficient DLRM training solution using ColossalAI

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hpcaitech/torchrec No such commit ID (e8d8eda5e7a0619bd779e35065397679e1536dcd)

BorisPolonsky opened this issue · comments

I need to build custom image with CachedEmbedding. Yet there's no such commit ID for hpcaitech/torch as indicated in the README.md

Install our customized [torchrec](https://github.com/hpcaitech/torchrec) (commit id e8d8eda5e7a0619bd779e35065397679e1536dcd)


I tried

git clone https://github.com/hpcaitech/torchrec
cd torchrec
git checkout e8d8eda5e7a0619bd779e35065397679e1536dcd
fatal: reference is not a tree: e8d8eda5e7a0619bd779e35065397679e1536dcd

There's no git commit selection op in the official Dockerfile