It looks like the profile name is limited to 256 characters, just like most error messages here it says 255 characters but we know better, do we? As usual, let's try to fill it with meaningless words about nothing at all. Maybe I can reach its limit. End. (howtologinquickwiththirtyninecharacters)


Geek Repo

Company:A company name can be a maximum of two hundred and fifty five characters. The frontend does not validate this but the backend does. The displayed error message is "Profile company is too long (maximum is 255 characters)" without the quotes. No, it is 256.

Location:The profile location field is also two hundred and fifty six characters despite the error message saying it is two hundred and fifty five. I am not sure how I am going to fill that many characters with so much text. Let's see if I am lucky enough. Finish.

Home Page:A profile URL is not required to be an actual URL and if it contains spaces it doesn't get converted into an <a> tag. It is also limited to two hundred and fifty six characters and it also gives the same error message as the previously mentioned 2 fields.

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

It looks like the profile name is limited to 256 characters, just like most error messages here it says 255 characters but we know better, do we? As usual, let's try to fill it with meaningless words about nothing at all. Maybe I can reach its limit. End.'s repositories



The Void source packages collection
