hovancik / stretchly

The break time reminder app

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Stretchly won't start up on Win11- recent[Bug]:

mokla78 opened this issue · comments


  • I'm using version 1.14.1

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What operating system are you using?


Operating System Version

Win 11 Home 22H2 Build22621.2134

Reproduction steps

  1. Downloaded windows installed from git hub: https://hovancik.net/stretchly/downloads/

  2. Ran the .exe after successful download and responded "yes" from sys prompt to all install/make changes

  3. Clicked on Stretchly shortcut on the desktop- nothing happens

  4. Looked up Stretchly in Windows Start, clicked on "run as admin"- again nothing happens

  5. Brought up task lists, see three instances of stretchly with 0MB and 0 CPU as "background proecesses"
    . (see screenshot attached)

  6. Ended the above mentioned tasks

  7. uninstalled Stretchly

  8. re-downloaded- repeated from step one (did this about 4 times) same result

  9. **Note this has only started happending since new version- can I dowload the previous somewhere and see if the behavior is different?
    Reproduces how often: [What percentage of the time does it reproduce?]

Expected Behavior

Same as previous version as advertised

Actual Behavior

See notes above- program sits and the background and won't start up

Relevant log output

Can't access log as program wont' start in the foreground



Additional information

I'm using a Samsung laptop (Book2Pro)
**Note also that I'm using the same exact version of Stertchly on my home PC but that has Win10 Home
so maybe this is a Win11 issue in this latest version. Everthing was fine until this latest version- can I downrev?

+44 141 846 1136

It's a great program btw- very helpful!

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Hi @mokla78 , is this the same PC that was upgraded to Win 11 or different PC?

I run on Win 11 without issues.

Is this your personal PC or from company? There were users unable to run Stretchly on company PCs due to some policies on the computers.

Can you also check that there is no icon in a tray when you try starting Stretchly? From the screenshot it seems it runs (there are multiple Stretchly processes running). Some people had issue where their Windows was always in Do Not Disturb mode, thus breaks were paused.

It's the same for me, the program doesn't launch automatically when Windows starts. Windows 11 Pro, 22H2, 22621.2428.

Same problem in Microsoft Windows 11 Pro, 10.0.22621 Build 22621.
Still no fix?
I installed stretchly from microsft app store but I dont have "C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Stretchly" directory to access logs.

When I installed Stretchly from the windows installer, the problem has been solved.

Windows 11 pro 22H2 22621.2428 with Stretchly 1.15.0

Doesn't launch either.

Upgraded from Windows Store and the startup checkbox keeps disabled even if you checked it, it will keep unchecked after you close the window and open it again. It was working in the previous version.

Hi there, I will hide "autostart" option from Windows Store build as the tech I use does not seems to support it. I've tried a fix, but it did not work, so I will need to hide that option. Regular installer works fine as before.

Windows 11 Home 23H2 22631.3374 with Stretchly 1.15.1
Doesn't launch the app. Just added to the processes in task manager. Showing notifications but can't open the app. What is the fix?

Please read the information in Readme, it explains how Stretchly works: https://github.com/hovancik/stretchly?tab=readme-ov-file#default-behavior


Same for me, the program doesn't launch automatically when Windows starts. Windows 11 Home, 23H2, 22631.3447.

@amyyuen how did you install it and how did you set it up launch automatically?