hosang / detection-proposals

Evaluation of detection performance, recall, and repeatability of detection proposal algorithms

Home Page:http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/departments/computer-vision-and-multimodal-computing/research/object-recognition-and-scene-understanding/how-good-are-detection-proposals-really/

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Repeatability experiments script

aravindhm opened this issue · comments

I am trying to replicate the repeatability plots. Running plot_recall_voc07.m only generates the recall curves. Using run_repeatability.m crashes immediately because the image names are stored without path in data/pascal_voc07_test_annotations.mat . Which script should I use?

The run_repeatability.m script is the right script to use. It is supposed to use the path that is set in get_config.m. Pull requests are welcome. I hope I get the chance to fix this later.