horego / chia-docker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Official Chia Docker Container

Quick Start

These examples shows valid setups using Chia for both docker run and docker-compose. Note that you should read some documentation at some point, but this is a good place to start.

Docker run

docker run --name chia -d ghcr.io/chia-network/chia:latest --expose=8444 -v /path/to/plots:/plots


docker run --name <container-name> -d ghcr.io/chia-network/chia:latest 
optional accept incoming connections: --expose=8444
optional: -v /path/to/plots:/plots

Docker compose

version: "3.6"
    container_name: chia
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: ghcr.io/chia-network/chia:latest
      - 8444:8444
      - /path/to/plots:/plots


You can modify the behavior of your Chia container by setting specific environment variables.


Set the timezone for the container (optional, defaults to UTC). Timezones can be configured using the TZ env variable. A list of supported time zones can be found here

-e TZ="America/Chicago"

Add your custom keys

To use your own keys pass as arguments on startup (post 1.0.2 pre 1.0.2 must manually pass as shown below)

-v /path/to/key/file:/path/in/container -e keys="/path/in/container"

or pass keys into the running container

docker exec -it <container-name> venv/bin/chia keys add

alternatively you can pass in your local keychain, if you have previously deployed chia with these keys on the host machine

-v ~/.local/share/python_keyring/:/root/.local/share/python_keyring/

or if you would like to persist the entire mainnet subdirectory and not touch the key directories at all

-v ~/.chia/mainnet:/root/.chia/mainnet -e keys="persistent"

Persist configuration and db

You can persist whole db and configuration, simply mount it to Host.

-v ~/.chia:/root/.chia

Farmer only

To start a farmer only node pass

-e farmer="true"

Harverster only

To start a harvester only node pass

-e harvester="true" -e farmer_address="addres.of.farmer" -e farmer_port="portnumber" -v /path/to/ssl/ca:/path/in/container -e ca="/path/in/container" -e keys="copy"


The plots_dir environment variable can be used to specify the directory containing the plots, it supports PATH-style colon-separated directories.

Or, you can cimply mount /plots path to your host machine.

Log level

To set the log level to one of CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, NOTSET

-e log_level="DEBUG"

Docker Compose

version: "3.6"
    container_name: chia
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: ghcr.io/chia-network/chia:latest
      - 8444:8444
      # Farmer Only    
#     - farmer="true"
      # Harvester Only
#     - harvester="true"
#     - farmer_address="" 
#     - farmer_port="8447"
#     - ca="/path/in/container"
#     - keys="copy"
      # Harvester Only END
      # If you would like to add keys manually via mnemonic file
#     - keys="/path/in/container"
      # OR
      # Disable key generation on start
#     - keys=""
      - TZ=${TZ}
      - /path/to/plots:/plots
      - /home/user/.chia:/root/.chia
#     - /home/user/mnemonic:/path/in/container


You can run commands externally with venv (this works for most chia CLI commands)

docker exec -it chia venv/bin/chia plots add -d /plots

Is it working?

You can see status from outside the container

docker exec -it chia venv/bin/chia show -s -c


docker exec -it chia venv/bin/chia farm summary

Connect to testnet?

docker run -d --expose=58444 -e testnet=true --name chia ghcr.io/chia-network/chia:latest

Need a wallet?

To get new wallet, execute command and follow the prompts:

docker exec -it chia-farmer1 venv/bin/chia wallet show


docker build -t chia --build-arg BRANCH=latest .



Language:Shell 58.3%Language:Dockerfile 41.7%