hopkiw / glacier_backup

A utility to manage backups to AWS S3 Glacier.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Glacier Backup

A utility to manage backups to AWS S3 Glacier.


Config file specifying paths to be backed up.

Can backup single paths, either files or directories. Directories are uploaded as tar archives.

Can backup all child directories, all child files, or both.

Can backup files multiple times based on modification date.

No scheduling is provided, but integrates well within cron, systemd or other batch runners or custom job runners.


pip install glacier-backup

Will install an entrypoint script glacier-backup.


usage: glacier-backup [-h] [-d] [-c CONFIG] [-l LOGFILE] [-v VAULT]
                      [-a ACCOUNT] [-p [PATHS [PATHS ...]]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --dryrun          only show what would be backed up
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        config file location. defaults to
  -l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
                        backup log file. defaults to
  -v VAULT, --vault VAULT
                        name of vault to use
  -a ACCOUNT, --account ACCOUNT
                        account ID to use
  -p [PATHS [PATHS ...]], --path [PATHS [PATHS ...]]
                        path of file or dir to backup. will override paths
                        specified in config

Command line arguments take precedence over configuration options. Paths, vault name and account ID must all be specified, either in the configuration file or on the command line.

The glacier-backup utility will scan through the configured paths until it finds a path matching the configuration criteria (see behavior below) and attempt to upload it to S3 Glacier as a single archive. If the path is a directory, it will be uploaded as a tar archive first.

Configuration options

The configuration file follows standard INI syntax, with one (optional) 'main' section and any number of additional 'path' sections, named after the path that should be backed up.

The following options are available in the [main] section:


The account_id and vault_name parameters must be provided either in the config file or on the command line. The logfile parameter is optional, but does have a default. To disable logging, set logfile='' in the configuration file or -l '' on the command line.

The following options are availabile in each [path] section:


The section name (/path/name above) must be an absolute path and must exist on the filesystem.


glacier-backup will resolve possible backup candidates from the paths specified in the config file, honoring each configuration option as described below.

If the path is a file, the path will be considered the only backup candidate.

If the path is a directory and upload_single_dir is set to true, the path will be considered the only backup candidate.

If the path is a directory and upload_dirs is set to true, every directory that is a child of this path will be considered a backup candidate. This applies to direct children only and is not recursive. This is equivalent to setting each directory as a path in the configuration file with upload_single_dir set to true.

If the path is a directory and upload_files is set to true, every file that is a child of this path will be considered a candidate for backup. As with upload_dirs, this is not recursive. This is equivalent to setting each file as a path in the configuration file.

The upload_dirs and upload_files options may both be set. If the upload_single_dir option is set, it overrides both of those options. If the path is a directory and none of these three options are set, no backup candidates will be found.

Each backup candidate is uploaded by default once, the first time it is encountered. If upload_if_changed is set to true and the file or directory has been modified since it was uploaded, it will be uploaded again.

If the backup candidate begins with the string set in the exclude option, it will NOT be backed up.

Scenarios and examples

Newly created files

A backup dir with new files appearing in it each day as:


Can be backed up with the following section:

Newly created directories

A backup dir with new directories appearing in it each day as:


Can be backed up with the following section:

Snapshot a directory

A directory with changing content that you want a snapshot of every day can be backed up with the following section:


This will produce new uploads every time glacier-backup runs IF there have been new changes. Scheduling glacier-backup runs should be done with some idea of the frequency of changes.

The description of the glacier archives will always reflect the filename and allow duplicates, so the backups should be differentiated by the description and the uploaded date.

Backups are not recursive

The upload_dirs and upload_files options provide convenience features for watching the contents of a single directory, but they do not operate recursively. To illustrate this, consider a directory structure like:


Setting a config with upload_files as:



Is equivalent to setting each file in the config, as:





Advanced backups

To accomplish backup scenarios that are difficult to manage with the config syntax, such as recursive backups, consider using the command line to directly upload paths with the -p option in your own scripts. Alternately, you can generate configuration files with specific paths enumerated.

Hacking glacier-backup

The entrypoint script for glacier-backup calls the main function, which handles configuration, logging, and invoking the backup instance. Use of the glacier_backup library directly should be easy enough for more advanced scenario, control over logging, etc.


A utility to manage backups to AWS S3 Glacier.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%