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Subparser for /communism and /pay commands

CrsiX opened this issue · comments


#37 wants to add /communism stop and /communism last. The parser currently does not support this. A better way might be to use a subparser that understands those commands.
However, new communisms can't use the current syntax of /communism <amount> <reason>. It would require /communism new <amount> <reason>. Therefore, other options may also be implemented later on (e.g. /communism external + to increase the external counter of the current communism or /communism forward <username> to forward the communism to a known MateBotUser, see #7 for this).
Of course, a new parser must also handle /communism help correctly. The general /help communism command may contain information how to call it, but it doesn't need to.

If this was implemented successfully, it is no big deal to adopt it to /pay.


We might need a custom parser. argparse is not suitable for the follwing purposes (only limited to the important aspects):

  • /communism shows the usage string and the short explanation (✅)
  • /communism <amount> <reason> creates a new communism using the specified amount and reason (✅)*
  • /communism forward <user> forwards the communism message to the specified user (❌)
  • /communism show removes the old message of the communism somewhere in the previous chat history and instead creates a new message (with the same content and inline keyboard) (❌)

(Other features like /communism stop could be easily added later on.)

*As @myOmikron pointed out, the user usually wants simplicity and usability first. Therefore, adding new as required static word (/communism new <amount> <reason>) is discouraged.

New custom parser is in development. I will upload my branch soon.

Quick preview:

  • A parser can contain multiple "usages"
  • Each usage holds its own set of arguments
  • When parsing the parser tries which usage can handle the given arguments

It's kind of like having multiple argparse-parser for one command and trying which one applies.

The new parser is here, making this issue outdated.