hopfenspace / MateBot

Micro service providing an API for MateBot clients

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Remove the 'name' from User models & add placeholder phrases in server responses instead

CrsiX opened this issue · comments


The name attribute should be deleted from the model User. Any location, where this name was used in server responses, it should be replaced by a static placeholder which can be replaced by the target application.

For example, the server returns the confirmation message Okay, you sent 4.12€ to $TRANSACTION_TARGET_USER$ instead of the previous variant, where the user name of the target user was added to that message by the server. This allows the client application to use localized names and non-unique but easier to read names in responses or to re-format them slightly. If an endpoint contains any such placeholder phrase in any response, it should make that clear in its description. Note that the actual layout of those placeholder messages may differ, but it must be consistent across the whole API.
The server should use the user ID whenever something is written to log files where a user name was used before (if anywhere).


Implemented in e22e86c...96ed05f