hopfenspace / MateBot

Micro service providing an API for MateBot clients

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rework the callback mechanism to use event posting instead of simpler model update notifications

CrsiX opened this issue · comments


First, remove the current callback mechanism (not the endpoints, for now).

Then, add a single callback POST /event instead of the current mechanism using three different GET requests of the form /{action}/{model}/{id}.

Events should be buffered for a configurable duration (up to a few seconds).

The JSON payload sent to the /event callback URL is a list of Event objects of the following form:

    "number": 3,
    "events": [
            "event": "NAME_OF_THE_EVENT",
            "timestamp": UNIX_TIMESTAMP,
            "data": {
                // Any further data supplied with the event callback

Currently, the following event types with their custom additional data are suggested:

  • server_started
    • base_url refers to an optional commonly known base URL where the API is usually reachable (excluding API versions and trailing /; may be null if unspecified or unknown)
  • alias_confirmation_requested
    • id refers to the unconfirmed alias
    • user refers to the user ID ('owner' of the alias)
    • app refers to the application name of the alias
  • alias_confirmed
    • id refers to the confirmed alias
    • user refers to the user ID ('owner' of the alias)
    • app refers to the application name of the alias
  • communism_created
    • id refers to the created communism
    • user refers to the user ID of the creating user
    • amount refers to the total amount to be shared in the communism
    • participants is the number of participants in the communism (static 1 for this event)
  • communism_updated
    • id refers to the updated communism
    • participants is the new number of participants in the communism (accumulating multiple quantities)
  • communism_closed (this event will also be fired for successful abort operations)
    • id refers to the closed communism
    • transactions refers to the number of transactions originating from closing this communism
    • aborted determines if the communism was aborted (false for normal closing)
    • participants is the final number of participants in the communism (accumulating multiple quantities)
  • poll_created
    • id refers to the created poll
    • user refers to the user ID which has requested to become an internal user
  • poll_updated
    • id refers to the updated poll
    • last_vote refers to the optional ID of the last vote (null if the update wasn't triggered by a new vote)
  • poll_closed (this event will also be fired for successful abort operations)
    • id refers to the closed poll
    • accepted determines if the poll was accepted or not
    • aborted determines if the poll was aborted (false for normal closing)
    • user refers to the user ID which has requested to become an internal user (ignoring whether the request has been accepted or not, see accepted for that)
    • last_vote refers to the optional ID of the last vote (null for aborted polls)
  • refund_created
    • id refers to the created refund
    • user refers to the user ID of the creating user
    • amount refers to the total amount the creating user wants from the community
  • refund_updated
    • id refers to the updated refund
    • last_vote refers to the optional ID of the last vote (null for aborted refunds)
    • current_result refers to the current balance (positive means users approved the request, negative means users disapproved the request) of the refund
  • refund_closed (this event will also be fired for successful abort operations)
    • id refers to the closed refund
    • accepted determines if the refund was accepted or not
    • aborted determines if the refund was aborted (false for normal closing)
    • transaction refers to the transaction ID associated with the refund (null for failed & aborted refunds)
  • transaction_created
    • id refers to the created transaction
    • sender refers to the user ID of the sender
    • receiver refers to the user ID of the receiver
    • amount refers to the amount of the transaction
  • voucher_updated
    • id refers to the user which has been updated, i.e. the debtor user
    • voucher refers to the optional ID of the vouching user
    • transaction refers to the optional transaction ID when a voucher stopped vouching for a debtor
  • user_softly_deleted
    • id refers to the user that has been softly deleted

This has been implemented, tested and merged into dev.
Maybe some more details are added to those callbacks in the future, but for now this is just enough.