honeycombio / helm-charts

Helm repository and charts for Honeycomb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fix release CI

TylerHelmuth opened this issue · comments

With the bump to chart releaser 1.5.0 we lost the ability to do cr index with an ssh git remote, which is the type of remote that circleci uses. As a result, the circleci job could not run the cr index step of the release. An attempt to fix this issue was made with #250, but it was unsuccessful. As a result, we have had to do the cr index step locally, which is annoying.

We need to update our release script or the CircleCI job so that it plays nicely with chart releaser.

Doing some testing, it seems CircleCI is replacing any instance of and https remote with the ssh remote when running the git remote command.

In CircleCI when I run

git remote add origin-https "https://github.com/$GIT_REPOSITORY_OWNER/$GIT_REPOSITORY_NAME.git"
git remote get-url --push origin-https
git remote -v

the output is

origin	git@github.com:honeycombio/helm-charts.git (fetch)
origin	git@github.com:honeycombio/helm-charts.git (push)
origin-https	ssh://git@github.com/honeycombio/helm-charts.git (fetch)
origin-https	ssh://git@github.com/honeycombio/helm-charts.git (push)

Issue was that circleci's global git config for the job had url.ssh://git@github.com.insteadof=https://github.com/.