hone / mruby-cli

mruby-cli is a platform to build native command line applications for Linux, Windows, and OS X. It provides the tools necessary for building a standalone binary of your application from any machine. Take advantage of the power of Ruby without the cross-platform dependency headaches that go with it.

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mruby head breaks build

hone opened this issue · comments

Seeing these two failures:

/tmp/d20151002-93-1okckhj/hello_world/mruby/test/report.rb:3:in `<top (required)>': mrbtest failed (KO:1, Crash:0) (RuntimeError)
    from test/bintest.rb:18:in `load'
    from test/bintest.rb:18:in `<main>'
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [ruby test/bintest.rb "/tmp/d20151002-93-1o...]
/tmp/d20151002-93-1okckhj/hello_world/mruby/tasks/mruby_build.rake:276:in `run_bintest'
/tmp/d20151002-93-1okckhj/hello_world/Rakefile:52:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
/tmp/d20151002-93-1okckhj/hello_world/Rakefile:42:in `clean_env'
/tmp/d20151002-93-1okckhj/hello_world/Rakefile:51:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
/tmp/d20151002-93-1okckhj/hello_world/mruby/tasks/mruby_build.rake:13:in `instance_eval'
/tmp/d20151002-93-1okckhj/hello_world/mruby/tasks/mruby_build.rake:13:in `block in each_target'
/tmp/d20151002-93-1okckhj/hello_world/mruby/tasks/mruby_build.rake:12:in `each'
/tmp/d20151002-93-1okckhj/hello_world/mruby/tasks/mruby_build.rake:12:in `each_target'
/tmp/d20151002-93-1okckhj/hello_world/Rakefile:50:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => test:bintest
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
Fail: setup can compile and run the generated app
 - Assertion[6] Failed: Process did not exit cleanly
    Expected: true
      Actual: false
Fail: Compiling multiple files without new line in last line. #2361
 - Assertion[1] Failed: Expected to be equal
    Expected: "bin\\mrbc.exe:/tmp/a.rb20151002-93-1tide85:Syntax OK"
      Actual: "sh: 1: binmrbc.exe: not found"
 - Assertion[2] Failed: Expected to be equal
    Expected: 0
      Actual: 127

Link to Travis

When running the bintests inside of a generated mruby-cli app, you get this failure.

Fail: Compiling multiple files without new line in last line. #2361
 - Assertion[1] Failed: Expected to be equal
    Expected: "bin\\mrbc.exe:/tmp/a.rb20151002-1518-1rwlvnq:Syntax OK"
      Actual: "sh: 1: binmrbc.exe: not found"
 - Assertion[2] Failed: Expected to be equal
    Expected: 0
      Actual: 127
Total: 3
   OK: 2
   KO: 1
Crash: 0
 Time: 0.05 seconds
/home/mruby/code/mruby/test/report.rb:3:in `<top (required)>': mrbtest failed (KO:1, Crash:0) (RuntimeError)
        from test/bintest.rb:18:in `load'
        from test/bintest.rb:18:in `<main>'

Reverting this commit fixes it.

Any ideas @mattn?


do you set $SHELL environment variable?


@toch Does this work if you docker pull hone/mruby-cli:latest?

@mattn no we don't, is that now a requirement?


Could you please show me the log? If you set $SHELL, paths should be treated as slash separator.