honcheng / PaperFold-for-iOS

Paper folding animation for iOS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Swiping horizontally on top and bottom folds turns views gray immediately

DJBen opened this issue · comments

iOS Simulator Screen shot Jan 18 2013 3 21 12 PM

As screenshot attached. Once you swipe on top or bottom fold in horizontal direction, the view will strangely turn gray.

first get a reference to the gesture recognizer used on the paperview in PaperFoldView.m

Then in finishForState, remove the panGesture if state is top/bottom unfolded. and add the panGesture back when the state is default. This has worked for me.

or you can checkout my forked code under the fixtopview branch:



Thanks that worked for me...