Support for NodeJS v18.12.0 LTS
ebaauw opened this issue · comments
Erik Baauw commented
Upgrading to NodeJS v18.12.0, now that has become the active LTS version. Works on my mac and Raspberry Pi, but on Synology I get:
homebridge@ds2:/volume1/homebridge $ hb-service update-node
ℹ Updating Node.js from v16.17.1 to v18.12.0...
✖ Cannot update Node.js on your system. Synology DSM 7 does not currently support Node.js 18 or later.
Is this is limitation of the Homerbidge package or of NodeJS/Synology themselves? Anything I can do?
kellery82 commented
Just tried to update my node.js as well in my synology and i got the same message.
oznu commented
This is a limitation of the DSM 7 operating system. It does not run a new enough version of glibc.
kellery82 commented
This is a limitation of the DSM 7 operating system. It does not run a new enough version of glibc.
Thank you for the reply :)
Erik Baauw commented
So nothing we can do then, but wait for Synology.
Oliver Busch commented
Might be resolved in DSM 7.2, which contains glibc 2.36