home-assistant / plugin-observer

Supervisor plugin observare to monitor host part of Supervisor

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Can't start hassio_observer: 500 Server Error

otakon87 opened this issue · comments

Hi, I use hassio on proxmox. Today I found it non responsive, restarted the VM and now I have this error showing up over and over again. What's happening? Thank you.

Operating System
HassOS 4.17
Home Assistant 0.118.4

20-12-02 14:08:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.observer] Starting observer plugin
20-12-02 14:08:40 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Cleaning hassio_observer application
20-12-02 14:08:43 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker] Can't start hassio_observer: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error ("driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint hassio_observer (f16a6062331efa497a8a628c3ed567aa13dd7bdb55a561315e9dab8072186307): Bind for failed: port is already allocated")
20-12-02 14:08:43 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.observer] Can't start observer plugin
20-12-02 14:08:43 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.misc.tasks] Observer watchdog reanimation failed!
20-12-02 14:09:43 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.misc.tasks] Watchdog/Docker found a problem with observer plugin!

Hi, I get the same error on my Raspberry Pi 3:

20-12-10 21:18:12 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker] Can't start hassio_observer: 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.40/containers/d0e2f10cf7314c0226c6dc43475cc4156e13ca30a2fba7187cf2ce7b314572a3/start: Internal Server Error ("driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint hassio_observer (19ba848aa792690771bcfe84270cf74399e1fd9754e9dbf34c4005e459773ff7): Bind for failed: port is already allocated")

Hi. same error on pi 3


Operating System
Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Docker version

20-12-22 17:54:48 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.misc.tasks] Watchdog/Docker found a problem with observer plugin!
20-12-22 17:54:48 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.observer] Starting observer plugin
20-12-22 17:54:48 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker.interface] Cleaning hassio_observer application
20-12-22 17:54:49 WARNING (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker] Can't attach hassio_observer to hassio-network!
20-12-22 17:54:49 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker] Can't start hassio_observer: 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.40/containers/0781b6f53673d556df072ed32a2fb1f46f7788051dcbaddbb1a26f183119c61e/start: Internal Server Error ("driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint hassio_observer (ff241f2c5ba3b5b83448a704713846ed11953213581a779c58d424cc64d75c55): Bind for failed: port is already allocated")
20-12-22 17:54:49 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.observer] Can't start observer plugin
20-12-22 17:54:49 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.misc.tasks] Observer watchdog reanimation failed!

Helo. same error on pi 3b+

fixed by reboot raspbian. will see

fix is ​​temporary. The error returns again after a certain period.

I confirm, rebooting helps only for some time. The issue appears again.

@pvizeli @balloob hello, guys, are you aware of this issue?


I have the same issue on my rpi 3b+ and latest version of HA

Same here. Rpi3b+ and HA 0.118.5. Supervisor 2020.12.7 and OS 5.8

Update: 12-Jan: After restarting my Raspberry Pi, the problem went away. Not sure why the observer did not start previously

Same issue. HA Supervised installation on recently rebuilt Raspberry Pi4 with Debian 10 OS.

Supervisor version 2020.12.7
Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Docker version: 20.10.1

Home Assistant Version 2021.1.1
Installation Type Home Assistant Supervised
Development false
Supervisor true
Docker true
Virtual Environment false
Python Version 3.8.7
Operating System Family Linux
Operating System Version 5.9.0-0.bpo.2-arm64
CPU Architecture aarch64
Timezone Europe/London

Full supervisor log after start up. Last lines repeat many times.

21-01-10 17:51:30 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.host.services] Updating service information
21-01-10 17:51:31 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.host.network] Updating local network information
21-01-10 17:51:34 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.host] Host information reload completed
21-01-10 17:51:35 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Updated Home Assistant API token
21-01-10 17:51:35 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize
21-01-10 17:51:35 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon
21-01-10 17:51:35 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize
21-01-10 17:51:35 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_nodered
21-01-10 17:51:35 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request running
21-01-10 17:51:35 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request running
21-01-10 17:52:30 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.misc.tasks] Watchdog/Docker found a problem with observer plugin!
21-01-10 17:52:30 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.observer] Starting observer plugin
21-01-10 17:52:30 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] Cleaning hassio_observer application
21-01-10 17:52:31 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker] Can't start hassio_observer: 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/containers/2e8847f775b0b0561ad6f182387531a18530c26cb22f5f978390256b971f8b22/start: Internal Server Error ("driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint hassio_observer (dfc0d2e09a765a09a892167a01a00eb70e6e9022fb547426c174db661e79c3c6): Bind for failed: port is already allocated")
21-01-10 17:52:31 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.observer] Can't start observer plugin
21-01-10 17:52:31 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.misc.tasks] Observer watchdog reanimation failed!
21-01-10 17:53:31 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.misc.tasks] Watchdog/Docker found a problem with observer plugin!
21-01-10 17:53:31 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.observer] Starting observer plugin
21-01-10 17:53:31 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [supervisor.docker.interface] Cleaning hassio_observer application
21-01-10 17:53:31 ERROR (SyncWorker_4) [supervisor.docker] Can't start hassio_observer: 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/containers/1a508611405460412f63fb6a670087d46469d52f9bbe8db13188633b7c541d55/start: Internal Server Error ("driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint hassio_observer (2cdac0fa0f8014468e472609225792fe86fd57a1997985aa1a31ac234e16162c): Bind for failed: port is already allocated")
21-01-10 17:53:31 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.observer] Can't start observer plugin
21-01-10 17:53:31 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.misc.tasks] Observer watchdog reanimation failed!
21-01-10 17:54:31 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.misc.tasks] Watchdog/Docker found a problem with observer plugin!
21-01-10 17:54:31 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.observer] Starting observer plugin
21-01-10 17:54:31 INFO (SyncWorker_6) [supervisor.docker.interface] Cleaning hassio_observer application
21-01-10 17:54:31 ERROR (SyncWorker_6) [supervisor.docker] Can't start hassio_observer: 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/containers/f5d6c3f32ee244a2c5effaf5db6927c55d2b2aa3ec6aa9dc4d47d33b7222ea25/start: Internal Server Error ("driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint hassio_observer (a8d601ba5b7d4030acc85d9e4e298bc43ba738e7b35e3f4eb34d8de965c174a7): Bind for failed: port is already allocated")
21-01-10 17:54:31 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.observer] Can't start observer plugin
21-01-10 17:54:31 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.misc.tasks] Observer watchdog reanimation failed!

Same here onRPi4 @hassos

I have had the same issue for months, but yesterday I read somewhere that this is caused by lack of memory in my raspberryPi 3 (1gb ram). And that integrations are consuming to much memory. So I started by removing HACS and haven’t got an issue since. (Just took about a few hours after restart for the error to come back before). If it would show up again I will remove next integration and so on.

Memory usage does not cause port conflicts.
Other applications that are running might.
If not, run ha su repair

I agree, but in my case it really have solved my issue. I’m just speculating, but could it be that Hassio observer could not be started because there already is one instance running (but hanged) and blocking the port?

yes, that would definitely do it, the repair command will clean that up.

Ah! When I tested the repair command it solved it first, but the issue came back a few hours later anyway.. since deleting HACS I haven’t seen the error (3 days ago). Maybe it could be me that made a bad installation of HACS integration somehow.

I have same problem and saw that port 4357 was used in tcp6 services usage but if
I suppress ipv6 in my system.conf and reboot, I still have the tcp6 using that port

tcp6 0 0 [::]:4357 [::]:*

How to fix it ?

I'm seeing the same problem and get the message below repeating continually in my logs, I have run the repair command as mentioned earlier in this thread and the problem persists. I'm suspicious that this is causing me other issues on my system as automations are failing to trigger fairly frequently.
Is it possible to disable the Observer plugin?

21-01-27 12:30:03 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.observer] Starting observer plugin
21-01-27 12:30:03 INFO (SyncWorker_5) [supervisor.docker.interface] Cleaning hassio_observer application
21-01-27 12:30:07 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [supervisor.docker] Can't attach hassio_observer to hassio-network!
21-01-27 12:30:16 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [supervisor.docker] Can't start hassio_observer: 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.40/containers/17af5a0d7c8e0ad673df0eb8f35580a29c9eb91872a44d4456c32c463983fcd0/start: Internal Server Error ("driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint hassio_observer (7612809336ca3eb4c8a37f4eab0227a0e0191caa5fa972f2820eedeebd12d468): Bind for failed: port is already allocated")
21-01-27 12:30:16 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.observer] Can't start observer plugin
21-01-27 12:30:16 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.misc.tasks] Observer watchdog reanimation failed!

I fixed this on my RPi with Hassos by removing IPv6 on the host and rebooting.

Similar issue for me; only temporary fix in order to even investigate is hard reboot of my RPi 3b+... Seems to reboot fine but eventually poop out.

System Health

version 2021.1.5
installation_type Home Assistant OS
dev false
hassio true
docker true
virtualenv false
python_version 3.8.7
os_name Linux
os_version 5.4.79-v8
arch aarch64
timezone America/Los_Angeles
Home Assistant Community Store
GitHub API ok
Github API Calls Remaining 4921
Installed Version 1.10.1
Stage running
Available Repositories 711
Installed Repositories 4
host_os Home Assistant OS 5.10
update_channel stable
supervisor_version 2021.01.7
docker_version 19.03.13
disk_total 13.9 GB
disk_used 10.3 GB
healthy true
supported true
board rpi3-64
supervisor_api ok
version_api ok
installed_addons Grafana (6.0.0), Samba share (9.3.0), Terminal & SSH (8.10.0), Google Assistant SDK (2.5.0), Plex Media Server (2.4.1), Duck DNS (1.12.4), Visual Studio Code (2.9.1), File editor (5.2.0), Mosquitto broker (5.1), OpenZWave (0.9.0), NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy (3.0.1), Let's Encrypt (4.11.0), Node-RED (7.2.8), ESPHome (1.15.3), Assistant Relay (0.7.4), Z-Wave Network Viewer (0.4)
dashboards 1
mode storage
views 5
resources 1

Check to see if a service is using port 4357, if it is kill the service. If it IPv6 again that means you didn't remove IPv6 support from the host.

@summongod How can I disable ipv6? I'm on hassio rpi0w, editing /etc/sysctl.conf would do?

I assume that the setting is in Supervisor>System>IP address (CHANGE)

Anyway I have this issue too :/

@summongod How can I disable ipv6? I'm on hassio rpi0w, editing /etc/sysctl.conf would do?

If anyone still sees this, open an issue in the supervisor repo.