home-assistant / mobile-apps-fcm-push

Push Notification Sender for Home Assistant official mobile apps

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'Sticky' param doesn't support boolean value true without quotation, false however works

mutasim opened this issue · comments

Home Assistant Android version: 1.7.0

After wrestling with this for some time I've managed to deduce the following, the 'sticky' param doesn't support the value true without quotations.

E.g. this doesn't work:

message: 'Would you like to unlock the door?'
title: 'Welcome Home'
    sticky: true

The notification doesn't send, and I didn't see any error messages.

However the following does work:

sticky: false
sticky: 'true'
sticky: 'false'

FCM docs show it should be just a boolean.

I reformatted your payload and am testing this myself now.

Server side issue, fix rolling out shortly.