home-assistant / mobile-apps-fcm-push

Push Notification Sender for Home Assistant official mobile apps

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[homeassistant.components.mobile_app.notify] Requested entity was not found. This message is generated externally to Home Assistant.

Mariusthvdb opened this issue · comments

Is there any way we can debug this. In my current HA 2021.2.1 this is happening after each reload of template entities. Thought it might have to do with a closed iPhone device, but holding the open-end iOS app in front of me, our the latest MacOS app, this still is occurring.

Open for suggestion how to prevent/solve this.

Schermafbeelding 2021-02-05 om 14 04 41

link in the issues goes to Core, but this would be for the mobile_app?

This probably means the push token needs updating. Either that or there is a duplicate device issue in mobile app.

so far, there are no duplicates , and I have restored Push-id's both on iOS app and MacOS app.

I did find an incorrect service mobile_app_wrongname, which was configured in a notification group, but that was corrected and the error persists.

Doesnt happen on HA restart, and only on template reloads.

At that same time a notification on my Mac pops up:

Schermafbeelding 2021-02-05 om 15 49 47

any thoughts you might have how to continue squashing this would be appreciated....

I've been able to establish it happening on a simple service:

message: test

and believe the reloading of the templates triggers an automation with that same service too. So the fact the template reload triggers the automation is an other issue (triggering on a template binary_sensor turning on after the reload...).

But why would the service notify.notify cause the error? Could it be all of my family members should refresh the push_id?