home-assistant / custom-panel-starter-kit-react

A starter kit to start developing a React based custom panel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Install renders in white page with js console errors

CubieMedia opened this issue · comments

Trying to use this starter kit with:

home-assistant 0.84.0.dev0 (clean install)

adjusted configuration.yaml as descriped in the README
server has been started with yarn start and is sending main.js on localhost:8080/main.js

Should this still work with the current version of HA?

In EntityRow.js i set
canToggle = true
with this i started to develop my first panel.

Thanks for this template

I was having the same issue while running this on 0.88 and found that I had to change line 22 of EntityRow.js to this:

const canToggle = true in (hass.services[domain] || {})

Looks like services is no longer a property of config