home-assistant / core

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Errors while using trigger variables with trigger-based template entities.

kulmegil opened this issue · comments

The problem

Template integration does not provide separate section for variables that would be useful in some scenarios. However it's possible to attach them to individual triggers as described in automation docs.

While trigger and entity works as expected, it spams log with errors

What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?


What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?


What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant Core

Integration causing the issue


Link to integration documentation on our website


Diagnostics information

No response

Example YAML snippet

  - trigger:
      - platform:  state
        entity_id: sensor.impk_12716
          line104: |
            {{- state_attr("sensor.impk_12716", "list") | default([]) | selectattr("line", "==", "104") | list -}}
#         more lines
          stop_name: DZIELNA

      - unique_id:         impk_stop_12716_line_104
        device_class:      timestamp
        icon:              'hass:bus'
        availability:      '{{ line104|length >= 1 }}'
        name:              '{{ line104[0].line + " → " + line104[0].direction if line104|length >= 1 else "104 ("+stop_name+")" }}'
        state:             '{{ line104[0].departure if line104|length >= 1 else "" }}'
          line:            '104'
          direction:       '{{ line104[0].direction if line104|length >= 1 else "" }}'
          delay:           '{{ line104[0].delay     if line104|length >= 1 else 0 }}'
          stop_id:         12716
          next_departure:  '{{ line104[1].departure if line104|length >= 2 else "" }}'
          next_direction:  '{{ line104[1].direction if line104|length >= 2 else "" }}'
          third_departure: '{{ line104[2].departure if line104|length >= 3 else "" }}'
          third_direction: '{{ line104[2].direction if line104|length >= 3 else "" }}'
      # more similar sensors

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

Logger: homeassistant
Source: helpers/trigger.py:73
First occurred: 15:44:18 (24 occurrences)
Last logged: 15:53:18

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/trigger.py", line 73, in with_vars
    await action(run_variables, context)
TypeError: object NoneType can't be used in 'await' expression

Additional information

Used it in another scenario and it creates the same error.

Hey there @PhracturedBlue, @tetienne, @home-assistant/core, mind taking a look at this issue as it has been labeled with an integration (template) you are listed as a code owner for? Thanks!
(message by CodeOwnersMention)

template documentation
template source
(message by IssueLinks)

The same error but in automation with trigger variables. Error appears not every time trigger fires. Can't find the pattern of its occurrence.
Core 2022.5.5
HA OS 8.1

Seeing same issue in 2022.8.6. In this case the trigger causing it is:

- platform: event
          event_type: event_template_reloaded
            version: >
              {% set version = [state_attr('sensor.tessie_vehicle_state_data_sensor', 'car_version'),states('sensor.tessie_software_teslascope'),states('sensor.tessie_software_current_version')] | reject('in',[None,'unknown','unavailable']) | list | first|default('unknown') %}
              {{ version.split(' ')[0] }}

If I remove that event and reload I get no error. Mind, issue clearly is not specific to this kind of trigger; just that this trigger is triggered on reloading the templates.

Looks like PR #68275 added this functionality by @balloob