holzschu / a-shell

A terminal for iOS, with multiple windows

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Setting to allow swipe to scroll, instead of go through history

gruber opened this issue · comments

I often run commands that generate a page or two of output. I’d rather have swipe scroll, like a normal app, than have swipe go through my shell history. Is there a hidden setting for this?

In theory, single-finger-swipe does scroll up and down, while two-fingers-swipe does go through history.

From your question, I infer that this is not the case on your device?

Yes. On my iPad (iPadOS 17.4), single-finger swiping goes through history. But on my iPhone, single-finger swiping still scrolls. I didn’t notice the difference because I use a-Shell on my iPad so much more often than on iPhone. Any ideas what’s wrong?

I've had another report of the same issue. It seems it was fixed by terminating the iPad window with "exit".

I think that fixed it for me too. I didn’t type exit but did restart the iPad, which I think implies an exit. Now single-finger swiping scrolls again.