holzschu / a-shell

A terminal for iOS, with multiple windows

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Question/Discussion: Future Sideloading on iOS and Ipad OS

user18130814200115-2 opened this issue · comments

The EU Digital Markets Act is set to require apple to allow side loading applications by 2024, and there are various indicators that apple will comply with this, though they did appeal the EU decision.

If this does become a possibility, would you consider releasing the app outside the appstore to allow for GLP licensed code? Of particular interest (gauging from various issues on this GitHub) would be bash, though I am particularly interested in busybox.

Any thoughts?

I'm thinking about it and starting to plan about it. One of the questions is what the actual conditions will be (side loading: how, possibility to have extensions for existing apps, communication between apps).

But yes, one of the first thing would be to have bash as the default shell, rsync, Midnight Commander. With the ability to use any kind of curses library, that would really help. Emacs is a large software, so it might have to wait.

Don't count on it. Apple would never allow running arbitrary code on iOS devices. They would find a way to ban you with an excuse, like security threat or something like that.