holzschu / a-Shell-commands

shell commands, pre-compiled to webAssembly, ready to use in a-Shell

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


nihil-admirari opened this issue · comments

Is it possible to add rsync to a-Shell that can synchronise with a USB flash drive?

pickFolder allows one to cd to a folder on a USB drive, but for rsync at least one of the source or the destination must be accessible as a command line argument; they can't both be current directories.

We don't have rsync. On the other hand, once you have selected a folder with pickFolder, it can be used as an argument on the command line: all folders added with pickFolder are added as bookmarks, and can be addressed with ~bookmarkName.

showmarks will show you the list of existing bookmarks.

We don't have rsync.

I know that there's no rsync currently; it's kind of a feature request. If it's not possible to have rsync, or if you're just not going to implement rsync, you can simply close the issue.

On the other hand, once you have selected a folder with pickFolder, it can be used as an argument on the command line: all folders added with pickFolder are added as bookmarks, and can be addressed with ~bookmarkName.

Thanks, didn't know it's possible.

To add my support for this request: It would be great to add rsync in order sync a director from a remote machine to linked ipad storage via pickFolder. I think this would enhance the use cases for the app.

I concur, rsync would be a great addition to the packages available with a-shell.