holzschu / a-Shell-commands

shell commands, pre-compiled to webAssembly, ready to use in a-Shell

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Any update on the libmp3lame encoder for FFmpeg?

Emasoft opened this issue · comments

Any update on the libmp3lame encoder for FFmpeg?

So, ffmpeg is now native in a-Shell, which makes porting LAME simpler. I've added it to the TODO list.

Originally posted by @holzschu in #1 (comment)

Should we looking forward to have lame in a-Shell someday, or we should think of alternative solutions?

It should be coming in the next update (not 1.9.3 (coming soon), but 1.9.4 (in a few months)).

Wonderful news!!

The TestFlight build of a-Shell mini now has libmp3lame: https://testflight.apple.com/join/REdHww5C

If you could test and check that it works.

Sure! Testing right now... 😎

Thanks for the opportunity to test a-Shell beta!
My report:

  • I tested the new Lame MP3 encoder with 37 different audio/video file formats, 4 different bit rates, 3 different frequencies, and 3 different sampling formats ("s16p", "s32p", "fltp") both in normalize and non normalize mode of ffmpeg.I also tested a huge 2.6GB audiobook file in m4b format. Everyhing converted to mp3 and worked perfectly fine! Well done!
  • I created a shortcut to convert audio files to MP3 format, but doing so I discovered some issues with the new Execute shortcut action of a-Shell: the additional fields are gone, and now there is only one text field for each Execute action box. This means some trouble for the old shortcuts (see the attached screenshot). The old shortcuts using a-Shell need to be fixed moving the text content in a separate text box, and referencing it. In the end I found the new Execute action box layout much better than the old (having multiple additional command fields didn't make much sense), and I don't think this need any change by your side.
  • This is the shortcut I made if you want to use it to test the Lame encoder: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/c5db0dfb5e534c529b2958aaa1402a73

Looking forward to see the updated app in the store! (so I can be the first to publish a shortcut to encode mp3 files! :-D )