holys / redis-cli

A pure go implementation of redis-cli.

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How to find out the contents of (long resp line) ?

paritosh149 opened this issue · comments

I tried to connect to a rediis server instance using holys/redis-cli exe on windows 10 Command Prompt. It did gave me the redis-cli prompt but every command results in (long resp line).
I need to find out the contents of "long resp line".

How can I find out the contents?



set key val, when the val is too long, then error "long resp line" occured

Only error with this:

    cat <<EOF22 | redli -h 172.xx.x.x -p 6379 -a xxx -n 0
set key01 "$val"

resolved just run with: redis-cli/redli -h 172.xx.x.x -p 6379 -a xxx -n 0 set aa3 $val.
the same problem with: https://github.com/IBM-Cloud/redli/releases/tag/v0.5.2