holsee / chroxy

Headless Chrome as a Service

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Proxy configuration per-connection

Taik opened this issue · comments

Hi! Are there plans to have a new mode which allows consumers to specify their own proxy configuration? I don't think it's possible to specify proxy configuration on a per-tab basis.

I believe you eluded to it here #5 (comment); I wanted to get the conversation rolling around implementation ideas.

What configuration are you talking about in particular? I would need more information on this scenario to make an informed response.

The --proxy-server flag that's passed to the chrome process upon launching, specifically.

This would only be an application level configuration option at this time, not one that could be pass per connection - as each connection is to a Page, not a Browser.

As you correctly alluded to, we may extend this to allow for Browser connections to be exposed at which point this could be passed in. I would welcome a patch that would add this functionality if it was really useful.