holsee / chroxy

Headless Chrome as a Service

Home Page:https://hex.pm/packages/chroxy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bad address

adamgotterer opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to get chroxy running in a docker container but am running into the following error on startup. I've confirmed that chrome is on the machine and runs without an issue.

headless@3f7c2ef65f01:~/chroxy-0.3.2$ mix run --no-halt

02:53:39.180 pid=<0.212.0> module=Chroxy.Application [info]  Started application

02:53:39.202 pid=<0.214.0> module=Chroxy.ProxyListener [debug] Listening on port: 1331

02:53:39.225 pid=<0.216.0> module=Chroxy.ChromeManager [warn]  ARGS: [{Chroxy.ChromeServer, [page_wait_ms: "200", crash_dumps_dir: "/tmp", verbose_logging: 0]}, {Chroxy.ProxyServer, [packet_trace: false]}, {Chroxy.Endpoint, [scheme: :http, port: "1330"]}, {:included_applications, []}, {Chroxy.ProxyListener, [host: "", port: "1331"]}, {:chrome_remote_debug_port_from, "9222"}, {:chrome_remote_debug_port_to, "9223"}]

02:53:39.482 pid=<0.217.0> module=Chroxy.ChromeServer [info]  [CHROME: 477] stdout: "Pid 477: cannot execute '(null)': Bad address"

02:53:39.709 pid=<0.322.0> module=Chroxy.ChromeServer [info]  [CHROME: 478] stdout: "Pid 478: cannot execute '(null)': Bad address"

02:53:39.945 pid=<0.324.0> module=Chroxy.ChromeServer [info]  [CHROME: 479] stdout: "Pid 479: cannot execute '(null)': Bad address"

02:53:40.173 pid=<0.326.0> module=Chroxy.ChromeServer [info]  [CHROME: 480] stdout: "Pid 480: cannot execute '(null)': Bad address"

02:53:40.247 pid=<0.216.0> module=Chroxy.ChromeServer [error] ChromeServer #PID<0.217.0> did not reply to ready request

02:53:40.247 pid=<0.216.0> module=Chroxy.ChromeManager [error] Failed to start chrome on port 9222

I have spent the entire day looking into this and narrowed it down to exexec not having the right permissions. It's very odd because the container user can run headless chrome without issue. But when Chroxy tries to execute the exact same command it fails. Any ideas?

Finally! I got it working.

Simple fix for docker: ENV SHELL /bin/sh.

Turns out it was executing in the wrong shell and the exec command couldn't find the program.