holoviz / panel

Panel: The powerful data exploration & web app framework for Python

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Possible Open Redirect Vulnerability

aydinnyunus opened this issue · comments

The code contains a potential open redirect vulnerability when redirecting users based on the next_url parameter.

Vulnerability Description:
The next_url parameter, used for redirecting authenticated users, can be manipulated by attackers to redirect users to malicious websites outside the application's control. This poses a risk of phishing attacks or redirection to harmful content.


self.redirect(state.get('next_url', '/'))


  1. Sanitize Input: Validate the next_url parameter to ensure it only redirects to trusted and whitelisted domains within the application's control.

  2. Encode URLs: Use URL encoding to prevent injection attacks and ensure that the redirect URL is properly formatted and secure.

  3. Implement a Whitelist: Restrict redirection to a predefined list of safe URLs or paths within the application.

Example Fix:

# Before redirecting, validate and sanitize the next_url parameter
if 'next_url' in state:
    next_url = state.get('next_url')
    # Validate next_url to ensure it redirects only to trusted domains
    if is_safe_url(next_url):
        # Redirect to a default safe URL if next_url is not safe
    # Redirect to a default URL if next_url is not provided