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Panel Tabulator with Voila doesn't store user edits

obrown06 opened this issue · comments

Example code:

import pandas as pd
import panel as pn
from bokeh.models.widgets.tables import NumberEditor
out = widgets.Output()
test_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
test_df.loc[0] = [1]

test_df_widget = pn.widgets.Tabulator(test_df, editors={
    "test_column_name": NumberEditor(),

test_button = widgets.Button(

def test_on_click(b):
    curr_df = test_df_widget.value
    with out:

with out:
    display(test_df_widget, test_button)

Running this code in a voila app, we see a table displayed with a value of "1" in row 1, column "test_column_name".


When I edit the cell (e.g., to contain 432), we see the new value:


But when the button is pressed, the triggered callback still sees the original value:


Relevant versions:

panel                     1.4.1
voila                     0.5.6
ipywidgets                8.1.2
ipywidgets_bokeh          1.6.0
jupyter_bokeh             4.0.1

I can confirm the issue which has been also repoerted previuosly (see https://github.com/holoviz/panel/issues/3963)
It has been reported also in the voila repositorysince I wasn't sure where theorign of the bug is coming from (whether Panel or Voila) ([https://github.com/voila-dashboards/voila/issues/1435)).

Any thoughts here? Or suggested workarounds?

Could you try upgrading to jupyter_bokeh 4.0.4?

I tested it with jupyter_bokeh 4.0.4 but the issue is still perisisting.
It might be related to
Failed to create module: package: @pyviz/jupyterlab_pyviz; module: ./extension:
image reported in

Any additional suggestions @philippjfr ?

Should we assume this bug won't be addressed in the near term @philippjfr ?

Any signal here would be useful @philippjfr

Honestly, I don't know much about the internals of Voila, all I can say is that jupyter_bokeh works well in many other contexts (i.e. VSCode, Google Colab and in other Jupyter environments), so I'd consider this a Voila bug, not a Panel one.

I'll close this as a duplicate of: #3963