holodeck-b2b / Holodeck-B2B

Holodeck B2B is an AS4 system-to-system messaging solution that implements the OASIS specifications for ebMS3 and it's AS4 profile. For more information visit the project website

Home Page:http://holodeck-b2b.org

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Send a Signing message with a gzip attachment

AlbertTse opened this issue · comments


I configured Pmode with "signing" property.
When I send out message with "gzip" attachment,
"Authentication of message unit failed" error show.
ErrorMsg_Authentication of message unit failed

If I send out message with a simple document attachment (e.g., xml), it works.

Any additional configuration is required for "gzip" attachment? Does it support signing with a gzip attachment?

Pmode / mmd files as follow

  1. Sender Pmode setting:
  2. Receiver Pmode setting:
  3. mmd with "gzip" attachment
  4. mmd with simple xml attachment

Hi @AlbertTse,
please note that compression of the payloads can only be enabled in the P-Mode by adding a //UserMessageFlow/PayloadProfile/UseAS4Compression element with value true. This means that in you "gzip" scenario the compression feature is not used and the payload and its meta-data is sent as is, meaning that the MIME type of the attachment is incorrectly indicated as application/xml. This probably causes the signature validation to fail as XML attachment are processed differently than other file types.