holmrenser / IOGA

Iterative Organellar Genome Assembly

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Error running IOGA.py

kk86bioinfo opened this issue · comments

Hi, I have an error encountered with IOGA.py.

sudo nohup python /opt/IOGA/IOGA.py --reference /opt/IOGA/plant_mitochondria.reference.fasta --forward ../PE1.fastq --reverse ../PE2.fastq --insertsize 250 --threads 40 > mesta-IOGA.log 2> mesta-IOGA.err & Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/IOGA/IOGA.py", line 432, in main(args.reference,args.name,args.forward,args.reverse,args.threads,args.insertsize,args.maxrounds,args.verbose)

File "/opt/IOGA/IOGA.py", line 377, in main
source,FP,RP,final_iteration = IOGA_loop(name,ref,forward,reverse,insertsize,threads,maxrounds)

File "/opt/IOGA/IOGA.py", line 323, in IOGA_loop
if len(name.split('/')) == 1:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'


I wanted to compare IOGA to other organellar assemblers. However, I have encountered the same error. Has the issue been solved?

~/Prog/IOGA-master/IOGA.py -r ref.fasta -1 F.fastq -2 R.fastq

[None] Quality trimming with BBduk
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/IOGA-master/IOGA.py", line 432, in
File "/IOGA-master/IOGA.py", line 377, in main
source,FP,RP,final_iteration = IOGA_loop(name,ref,forward,reverse,insertsize,threads,maxrounds)
File "/IOGA-master/IOGA.py", line 323, in IOGA_loop
if len(name.split('/')) == 1:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

This error occurred when the name option (-n, --name) was not defined.
I have added a default option (IOGA_RUN), so the problem should be fixed.
Please do a git pull to get the latest version.