Hollweg / 7-Segments-Clock

7 Segments Clock project (HW & SW) using ATMEGA328 microcontroller with Atmel Studio IDE

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The purpose

This is a 7 Segments Clock project, developed from zero, using authoral hardware and software. The clock marks hours, minutes and seconds, using an ATMEGA328P microcontroller, from ATMEL. The 7 Segments Clock was developed as a personal project and it was built on an universal soldering breadboard, according with Proteus folder schematics inside this project. During this README I'll explain how to develop your own 7 Segments Clock. :)

Here is an image about the project final result:



The code was developed specifically to ATMEGA328P microcontroller using ATMEL Studio IDE. However, if some changes were made, mainly in initialization, configuration and some registers, the project can be adapted to other microcontroller families, from other manufacturers and IDEs. The idea to build a 7 Segments Clock is the same, but some things will change, like timer registers, I/O and ADC configurations.

How it works?

The clock starts marking time from 00:00, in the moment that it's powered. To adjust time until desired hour and minute you have to use the circuit push buttons (in the right side of microcontroller). We have two push buttons, one to increment hours and another one to increment minutes.

This project algorithm marks hours, minutes and seconds, but it was built only with 4 displays, marking hours and minutes. However, if you want to build a full clock (using seconds markers too) it is only necessary to add two 7 Segments displays and connect it on 2 non used microcontroller ports.

The code was developed with the full clock logic, but when I burn it to microcontroller I comment one of markers (seconds, for example - "CalculateSeconds" function) and it marks Hours + Minutes. In the other hand, if I want to see Minutes + Seconds you need to comment "CalculateHours" function and it will display Minutes + Seconds.

In the moment that the circuit is de-energized, the clock loses its reference and the current time because it does not have a memory hardware implemented in circuit.

However, if you need to store the last marked time, even with the circuit de-energized, you can use a RTC hardware and only read its time variables, than display it in the 7 Segments array. In other way, according to what I said during Binary Clock project (here in github.com/hollwe/binary-clock), I think that this kind of "upgrade" is not interesting to this kind of project because it makes you miss the essence of build a real clock, since thinking in clock logic, counters, timers, until software otimization and implementation.

- The .c file contains the developed code in C.
- The .asm file contains the code translated to assembly
- The .hex file is the ready to burn file, containing the code in hexadecimal language.
- The other files are configuration files, created by compiler.
- Inside /Proteus folder it is the project hardware schematic

Below there is an image of the project hardware described in Proteus (using four 7 Segments Display):


You can acess the hardware files in the project folder /Proteus.

Using four 7-Segments Displays

You can see in the final result project image that I used a 7 Segments Display array (model CAI5461AH), already multiplexed and easier to be used.

However, you can develop the same project using four 7 Segments Displays.
Before use the 7 Segments Array I tested the circuit and the code in a breadboard with four 7 Segments Displays.
The only difference is that you need to multiplex the pins manually and connect a resistor between microcontroller port and display control pins (there is 2 control pins (shared) by display).
In the other hand, using the 7 Segments Display array it is not necessary to connect the display resistors because they are considered in its internal circuit.

Below there is an image of a single 7 Segments Display schematic pins:



Here you can see four 7 Segments Display multiplexed .gif:


In the image you can see that it was used transistors to enable each display control pin, but this is not necessary.
I developed the control switch system by software. Every time when a display is enabled (5V - common cathode), the microcontroller sends to the other display control pins 0V, assuring that we will have only one display active at a time.
This control signal is enable for a short period of time, very fast, then it enables another, sharing the bus time between all 4 digits. So, as the signal varies a lot of times per second, our eyes have the impression that all 4 digits are ON simultaneously, what is fake.

Here is an image of the circuit using four 7 Segments Display (the code burned for an array or separated displays is exactly the same):


There is not necessary to build your own hardware to see the project working. If you want to build it on an Arduino UNO board (or another Arduino board that uses ATMEGA328P) you need to burn the code to ATMEGA328P via ATMEL Studio (you can see this link to configure Atmel Studio to burn code for Arduino) and connect the display and buttons directly in Arduino I/O board pins.

Below, I described the hardware connections to make it easy to build the project. Take a look. :)

7 Segments LEDs:

Segment a - ATMEGA328P PD2 - Arduino Uno Digital pin 2
Segment b - ATMEGA328P PD3 - Arduino Uno Digital pin 3
Segment c - ATMEGA328P PD4 - Arduino Uno Digital pin 4
Segment d - ATMEGA328P PD5 - Arduino Uno Digital pin 5
Segment e - ATMEGA328P PD6 - Arduino Uno Digital pin 6
Segment f - ATMEGA328P PD7 - Arduino Uno Digital pin 7
Segment g - ATMEGA328P PB0 - Arduino Uno Digital pin 8
Minutes right display control - ATMEGA328P PB2 - Arduino Uno Digital pin 10
Minutes left display control - ATMEGA328P PB3 - Arduino Uno Digital pin 11
Hours right display control - ATMEGA328P PB4 - Arduino Uno Digital pin 12
Hours left display control - ATMEGA328P PB5 - Arduino Uno Digital pin 13

Push Buttons:

Reset - ATMEGA328P PC6 - Arduino UNO Reset pin
Minutes increment - ATMEGA328P PC1 - Arduino UNO Analog Input 1 (take care: Input pin 1, not Input pin 0)
Hours increment - ATMEGA328P PC2 - Arduino UNO Analog Input 2

Obs.1: If you use four 7 Segments Display all the 7 Segments LEDs are connected together.
Obs.2: If you use four 7 Segments Display, every display needs its own input resistor (~~270 ohms --- ~~1k ohms).
In addition, the control pins must be connected in its two COM pins.
Obs.3: Be careful with the type of 7 Segments Display you'll be using.
There are two different types: Common Anode and Common Cathode.
Common Cathode has its control pin ON using HIGH (5V) logical signal.
Common Anode has its control pin ON using LOW (0V) logical signal.

Which was used in project?

Bill of materials:

  1. 1 x ATMEGA328P microcontroller
  2. 1 x 28 pins header
  3. 3 x Push button
  4. 3 x Resistor 1k ohm (+4 if you use four 7 Segments Display)
  5. 1 x 16MHz Crystal
  6. 2 x 22pF Capacitors
  7. 1 x 100nF Capacitors
  8. 1 x 7 Segments Display Array
  9. 1 x Female P4 Jack
  10. 1 x 10x5cm Universal Soldering Board

Circuit Voltage

The developed circuit is energized with 5V.
You can adapt a simple 9V battery + 7805 voltage regulator or connect it directly on smartphone charger using a P4 jack.

How to do it?

Step 1: Take a 5V power source and cut the USB cable (assuming that its does not have a P4 jack), letting only these 2 pins available: VCC and GND (the only ones you'll need).
Step 2: Connect VCC and GND directly into P4 jack (be careful with the polarity).

Your power suplly is ready! :)

There is below an image of the power supply I used:


Finally, there is an image of the circuit working very well:



The project can be reproduced without any problems.
However, I only ask you to keep author credits. :)




7 Segments Clock project (HW & SW) using ATMEGA328 microcontroller with Atmel Studio IDE


Language:C 54.2%Language:Makefile 45.8%