benhoIIand / grunt-cache-bust

Cache bust static assets using content hashing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

v1.0.0 - changes to the way the plugin works

benhoIIand opened this issue · comments

My proposal is to change the plugin to work in a slightly different way. Currently the plugin's entry point is a file (generally a HTML file) where it would parse the content looking for assets to bust. This restricts the plugin to things that it can parse, so in the case of JS files, we'd have to add a new parser for that. It also means that other languages, PHP being one, can't be handled elegantly.

The solution to these problems will be to reverse the order of actions; the new entry point being a folder of assets, busting them and then going through each file that you wish to bust and replacing references. This should clean up a lot of the code and remove a lot of the slightly finicky regex rules in there. Some options can also be removed with this approach, enableUrlFragments being one of them.

I've created this issue incase anyone else has ideas about how to make the plugin better!

Latest code and implementation can be found in the v1.0.0-beta branch. If anyone wishes to test on this branch and change their workflow to the new method, that would be stellar!

With this change, it's becoming clear that some of the current options and features will be remove. I will keep this list up to date:

  • Busting already cached assets - this was pretty hacky in the first place as it's very difficult to detect a hash in the file. Due to the new method of gathering the list of files to be hashed, it's going to be encouraged/enforced that you have a clean workspace before every build. More information can be provided on this if needed.
  • Overriding the base directory - all assets will be discovered first, so the ability to modify this map of assets will be provided, meaning that the overriding of the baseDir can be done there
  • cdnPath option - this will no longer be needed as the files that'll be hashed have already been discovered. Works out the box now :)
  • enableUrlFragments/deleteUrlFragments - these are obsolete
  • rename - this was turned on by default a while back. Going forward, this will be the only option for busting files. The idea of this plugin is to enable users the best chance to have their assets cached forever and IMO, providing a brand new file with a new name is the best way.
  • replaceTerms- as with overriding the baseDir, this can be done in some kind of modify function
  • filters - another obsolete option as we won't need to filter out the assets found in markup anymore
  • ignorePatterns - again, it's obsolete option. This should be done by grunt anyway and not in the plugin

Hey @hollandben,

I’ve been testing the new branch. This is a good change.

A few issues:

  • I have a CSS file that includes both fontawesome.woff and fontawesome.woff2. When replacing in file, markup.split(original) will match fontawesome.woff2 when looking for fontawesome.woff and it will insert the incorrect hash.
  • It would be nice if it would only bust files that are actually being used. Right now it busts all the files matched by assets.

Hey, thanks for testing the next version 👍

It would be nice if it would only bust files that are actually being used

Can you explain why this is? The current version of this plugin follows this pattern of finding an asset and then busting it, but with the new approach, all assets are busted and then references are updated. The main problem I can see people having with this is that it will created a lot of noise with new files being created all the time. My response to that would be to have your build pipeline setup in a way that each run of this task is done against a new, clean file system. The responsibility of this plugin is to just bust assets, not to clean up after or deal with files that have already been hashed.

@hollandben here’s an example:

     options: {
        baseDir: 'public',
        assets: 'assets/*',
        deleteOriginals: true
    files: [

This will rename all the files in assets, though it will only change the include paths from templates/only-one-template.jade.

The others assets – that are not used by that template will be renamed as well. Thus the other templates will fail including the referenced asset files.

I've been thinking about removing the deleteOriginals option as well. Again, it comes back to how the build pipeline is setup, but it should follow a procedure or copy -> process -> deploy, that way the copy part is in a clean setup and the original files aren't changed.

@hollandben fair enough. I’ll update the PR to only include the two fixes.

I'm looking to ship this after next week - finally!!

I've created a new 1.0.0-rc branch which is the release candidate for version 1. I'm exceptionally busy next week so if people wish to start using it, that'd be fantastic!!

You can install the beta using npm install --save-dev grunt-cache-bust@beta

@hollandben I am unable to get this to work for my project. I get the error:

Warning: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined Use --force to continue.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
    at /Users/camwes/dock/projects/jukeboxx/node_modules/grunt/lib/grunt/file.js:55:28
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at processPatterns (/Users/camwes/dock/projects/jukeboxx/node_modules/grunt/lib/grunt/file.js:53:34)
    at Object.file.expand (/Users/camwes/dock/projects/jukeboxx/node_modules/grunt/lib/grunt/file.js:110:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/camwes/dock/projects/jukeboxx/node_modules/grunt-cache-bust/tasks/cachebust.js:32:14)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/camwes/dock/projects/jukeboxx/node_modules/grunt/lib/grunt/task.js:264:15)
    at Object.thisTask.fn (/Users/camwes/dock/projects/jukeboxx/node_modul

I am using Grunt 0.4.5 and Node 0.12.7. My gruntfile looks like this:

    cacheBust: {
      assets: {
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          cwd: 'client/js',
          src: ['*.js'],
          dest: 'test/js'

Hi @camwes. Is this using the beta version of the plugin? I can see from your configuration that you are only telling the plugin where to find the assets, but not telling it which files need to have their references updated.

@hollandben I am using the beta version. It is not very clear from the docs and examples what the difference is. Are you saying that the files attribute only determines where the files can be found. If so, how do I choose which files need to have their references updated?

Was able to get this working after thinking a little more abut your advice. Working version looked like this:

    cacheBust: {
      prod: {
        options: {
          assets:  [
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          deleteOriginals: false,
          cwd: 'static/assets/dist/js',
          src: [

This is a agreat improvement on the plugin and I look forward to testing it some more.

Glad you got it working @camwes. Can you elaborate on what wasn't clear in the documentation? I've changed the Overview section this morning to hopefully explain the basic configuration better.

Moving the default package on npm to be v1.0.0

I have 2 questions for you 1) Can your following code take scr= ['Index.cshtml'] and how will you implement to get .less and other asset files from angular 4. Thanks.
cacheBust: {
taskName: {
options: {
assets: ['assets/**']
src: ['index.html']