holidays / holidays

A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a holiday!

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Feast of San Giusto for Trieste, Italy should be on 3rd November

dhanushkac opened this issue · comments


The date for Feast of San Giusto should fall on 3rd of November instead of 2nd.

Notes: Patron saint of Trieste, the feast of San Giusto falls on November 2, but for liturgical reasons (the commemoration of the faithful departed is done on the same day) it is postponed to the following day, November 3.

The current result is as follows.

Holidays.on(Date.civil(2023, 11, 2), :it_ts)
[{:date=>Thu, 02 Nov 2023, :name=>"Festa di San Giusto", :regions=>[:it_ts]}]