holidays / holidays

A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a holiday!

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Informal Holidays in custom definition are returned even if :observed is asked

ste26054 opened this issue · comments


I am using the Holidays gem version 6.4.0 with ruby 2.3.4

I created the following custom_region.yaml:

  - name: Informal day
    regions: [custom_region]
    mday: 1
    type: informal

Here, I expect 2018-01-01 to be an informal holiday.

2.3.4 :001 > Holidays.load_custom("custom_region.yaml")
 => {1=>[{:name=>"Informal day", :regions=>[:custom_region], :mday=>1, :type=>"informal"}]}

2.3.4 :003 > Holidays.on(,1,1), :custom_region, :informal)
 => [{:date=>Mon, 01 Jan 2018, :name=>"Informal day", :regions=>[:custom_region]}] #OK

2.3.4 :004 > Holidays.on(,1,1), :custom_region, :observed)
 => [{:date=>Mon, 01 Jan 2018, :name=>"Informal day", :regions=>[:custom_region]}] # ERROR: Nothing should be returned

So it seems Informal days in custom definitions are not working, or am I missing something?

OK, I found the source of the problem. In this case, the definition should be formatted like this:

  - name: Informal day
    regions: [custom_region]
    mday: 1
    type: :informal

Note that type: :informal line, where :informal is explicitly passed as a symbol. I did not look into that first because all the existing definitions were using type: informal

If we do not pass a symbol, the type is passed as a string and fails the following check:

next if (h[:type] == :informal) && !informal_set?(options)

Hence all informal holidays are wrongly ignored.

A simple fix would be to correct the check above

I will try to make a pull request if I have time

Whoops! This should have been closed back in September. Sorry for the mistake, I just misunderstood what was merged and didn't follow up on this specific issue. Thanks for the PR!