holidays / holidays

A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a holiday!

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UK bank holiday missing

joecorkerton opened this issue · comments

The UK summer bank holiday at the end of August is missing. This falls on 27th August in 2017.

@joecorkerton Thanks for noticing this issue.
I will survey this at the weekend.
Please wait a few days.:)

@ttwo32 Did you get a chance to look into this yet?

@joecorkerton Sorry for being so late in reply.
I couldn't get up from having caught a sick(influenza).

I have surveyed uk bank holidays.
"Summer bank holidays" is defined "Bank holidays" in gb.yaml
Please look at below link.

And i have confirmed on console.

irb(main):040:0* Holidays.on( Date.civil(2017,8,28),[:gb_eng]) => [{:date=>#<Date: 2017-08-28 ((2457994j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>, :name=>"Bank Holiday", :regions=>[:gb_eng, :gb_wls, :gb_eaw, :gb_nir]}] irb(main):041:0>

This gem shows that 28th August in 2017 is "Bank Holiday".
And a site you teached me showed that 28th August in 2017 is "Summer Bank Holiday" .

Can i change name from "Bank Holiday" to "Summer Bank Holiday" ?

@ttwo32 Thanks for your response. I thought the holiday is missing because I was searching for holidays using the :gb tag. Is there a reason that the :gb tag is not on this holiday? It seems like it should be added, as it is an official UK holiday

@joecorkerton Oh, sorry . I don,t know a reason.
@ppeble Do you know a reasons that :gb tag is not on this holiday?

@joecorkerton, @ttwo32 - easy one ;)
28th August 2017 is not a holiday for Scotland, therefore it will not be in :gb