holidays / holidays

A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a holiday!

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Discuss 'meta' regions and how they should be handled

ppeble opened this issue · comments

While researching #251 I have come across what I think is a regression, possibly (maybe).

I see that we have files named lib/generated_definitions/europe.rb. From what I can tell the point of these meta regions is to 'pre-load' definitions. You would never call Holidays with :europe, as far as I can see.

The issue is that I have moved us away from having each generated definition load itself into memory. We lazy-load in a different way, by checking the incoming regions and loading the file. So requiring 'europe.rb' doesn't...really do anything anymore.

My question to users: is having meta regions like this useful for performance reasons? How do you use these meta regions? Could we do away with 'meta' regions like 'europe', 'scandanavia', 'north america', etc.

No one else is responding to this so I'm going to close it. I'll leave things as-is for the time being unless someone feels strongly enough to argue for this to be reopened. 😄