holidays / holidays

A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a holiday!

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`LocalJumpError` when the period is too long

ironsand opened this issue · comments



I got a error when I run Holidays.between(Date.civil(2000, 1, 1), Date.civil(2018), :jp)

LocalJumpError: unexpected return
from /Users/ironsand/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/holidays-4.6.0/lib/generated_definitions/jp.rb:116:in `block in custom_methods'

but if I change 2000 to 2005, then it works fine.

Holidays.between(Date.civil(2005, 1, 1), Date.civil(2018), :jp)

I'm happy if I can use it from 2000. Thanks

Thanks for the report @ironsand! We will look into it this week. If we can figure it out quickly I'll do a pre 5.0 bug release so you can get the fix without having to manage a major version bump.

@ttwo32 Can you also look into this since it is using jp holidays?

Hi @ironsand !! Thanks for the report.I will look into this issue .So please wait .:D

@ptrimble Sure.I will check this issue.:smile:

Side note: I am happy that this gem is used in japan.:D

@ironsand I am releasing 4.7.0 shortly, which should have this issue resolved. Thanks again for reporting!

@ironsand Thanks again!! Please repporting again when some issues happen.:smile:


@ptrimble @ttwo32 Great! Thanks a lot!