hojonathanho / diffusion

Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models

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How to run training or evaluation?

parkjjoe opened this issue · comments

I know that to run run_celebahq.py, I need to write python3 scripts/run_celebahq.py train --bucket_name_prefix $BUCKET_PREFIX --exp_name $EXPERIMENT_NAME --tpu_name $TPU_NAME or python3 scripts/run_celebahq.py evaluation --bucket_name_prefix $BUCKET_PREFIX --tpu_name $EVAL_TPU_NAME --model_dir $MODEL_DIR code.

But I don't know what to write in the $BUCKET_PREFIX, $EXPERIMENT_NAME, $TPU_NAME, $EVAL_TPU_NAME, $MODEL_DIR parts. Can you give me some examples?

I have the same problem as you. Have you solved it? If you have solved it, could you please tell me the solution? Thank you!