hogihung / flex_blogger

Rails based simple blogging application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#Flex Blogger

Note: This application is ready for early adoption. There may be a few updates as we discover and fix bugs or modify features.

  • Ruby version: 2.2.2
  • Rails version: 4.2.4
  • Database: Postgres
  • Test suite: RSpec
  • Frontend CSS Framework: Bourbon, Neat, Bitters and Refill
  • Authentication: Clearance
  • Form Generator: Simple Form
  • Templating Language: Erb

See the Gemfile for more information

##Revisions -March 27, 2016- Added capybara-screenshot to assist in the development process when we have a failing test. Since this application was created with the new Rails developer in mind, there are two failing tests. These failing tests will create a html and png snapshot where the error occurs.

Updated some gems to newer versions which led to some issues with our model tests that are using shoulda-matchers. Resolved by applying the new type: :model tag.

Configured Capybara to support poltergeist and selenium.

Use the following syntax to use Selenium with one of the failing tests:

SELENIUM=true rspec spec/features/visitor/contacts_spec.rb

##Before you begin If you were to dig in and review some of the earlier commits you can see that originally haml was used as the template language. As I talked and worked with other newbies I decided to bring things back to the basics. All of the views that were formatted using haml were converted to erb. While I do use haml at the day job and on other projects, the goal of FlexBlogr was to create a Rails based blog application that is friendly to the new Ruby on Rails developer.

I'm still fumbling my way through CSS, so please keep that in mind. But I do think that things are good enough and I'll leave it to you to tinker with FlexBlogr, tune it to meet your needs and have fun with it.

##Getting Started Clone the application:

clone https://github.com/hogihung/flex_blogger.git
cd flex_blogger

Create a file in your apps root folder named .env and add the following:

S3_BUCKET:             'your_s3_bucket_name_here'
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID:     'your_aws_access_key_id_here'
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: 'your_aws_secret_access_key_here'

This will allow you to upload images to Amazon S3 through the WYSIWYG editor.

Prepare your database:

The first rake below is optional - may be needed if you are updating from SQLite version:
rake db:drop  (Use with caution, and only use if needed!!!)

rake db:create
rake db:migrate

Prime Development Data

To ensure we have consistent data when we are testing, use the following command to reset your dev database:

rake dev:prime

Misc. Configuration Settings

Edit the config/initializers/clearance.rb file and update the following with your information:

  config.mailer_sender = "reply@example.com"

Using your own hero image

Edit the file located at: app/assests/stylesheets/custom.css.scss

  $hero-image: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thoughtbot/refills/master/source/images/mountains.png';

Setup your website title and sub-title

Edit the file(s):
config/environments/development.rb (optional)

Adjusting the following settings:

# Configure your websites title and sub-title
config.title = "Your Awesome Blog Name Goes Here"
config.sub_title = "Put your sub-title or tag line here."

Configure the RSS Feed Builder

Edit the file app/views/home/feed.rss.builder and update these settings:

  xml.title "Your Blog Name Goes Here"
  xml.author "Your Name Here"
  xml.description "Some Info To Describe, Can be comman separated, Ruby, Rails"
  xml.link "http://yourdomain.here"

      xml.author "Your Name Here"
      xml.link "http://yourdomain.io/" + article.slug

Run the tests

You can run the test suite, which is RSpec based, by executing the following command:


Start Web Server - Development environment

rails server

Preparing for Production

  1. Edit the app/views/about & contact files to supply your static information.
  2. Edit the db/seeds.rb file, replacing the sample data, with your information.
  3. Setup your production database using the following command:
rake RAILS_ENV=production db:setup

Optional - the rake db:setup task will read in your seeds file. However, if you forgot to update, or want to add more users/categories after you have deployed, you can use the following to read in the new information in your seeds file:

rake RAILS_ENV=production db:seed


Rails based simple blogging application


Language:JavaScript 81.7%Language:CSS 11.0%Language:Ruby 5.7%Language:HTML 1.6%